Quinn said:
What do you think is the main reason that they can't just recast Kang? Wouldn't that be easier than rewriting/replanning the next group of movies?
I don't know enough about the law and contracts, but if they recast him and then Majors was found innocent, it seems like they'd be getting murdered in the court of public opinion (Marvel fires innocent black man) and have themselves an ugly lawsuit to boot. And whoever replaced him would be dancing around the issue forever.
If they pivot to Dr. Doom, they can just say, hey the Kang plot didn't work so we went a different way. And since Antman 3 mostly bombed and only hardcore fans watch Loki, they could probably wipe it away that Kang was ever a big deal.
Personally, if I've got Disney/Marvel money, I just go to the plaintiff's lawyer with the blank check and say "how much to shut up and go away?" Then I lean into the Jonathan Majors' rehab tour of anger management and easy talk show appearances, and tell him please no more staged breaking up fight videos, then lean on him and make the next movies as good as you can, cuz he's definitely a cool on-screen presence.
I'd also make sure all my movies leading up to it start having some quality hero overlaps, like Iron man in the Spidey movies and Dr. Strange in Rangnarok. Get your A listers interacting more.
I still stand by the idea that the day Marvel really lost its way was when Chadwick Boseman died, because that dude was your next RDJ in terms of charisma and team leader in the team films.