i lived in moses. now that they are a co-ed freshman dorm and will continue that role, we need to establish a way to learn them fish about bonfire.
More importantly, to push it over the edge and make it real and tangible for them, you have to make yourselves visible and available to them at all times. For Lechner this was made easier because we already had "Lechner Families" which were organized groups of Old and New Lechnerds. You all know you had questions about what this was all and what to expect about when you started out and they are no different. Where most "bonfire dorms" had upperclassmen living next door as a reference, these kids don't, BECOME THAT REFERENCE. Also, don't just be the "Bonfire Guy/Gal" reference, help out your fellow ags in whatever capacity they need, it's not only being a good Ag, it's gaining their trust and respect. Remember though to be open, honest, and respectful... don't try to make them do what you do, how you do it, or like what you like, provide advice and let them figure out their own way.