Bonfire will be fine. Those dorms will find new homes on Southside and start crews there. OC is really starting to pick up steam since they can recruit in ways that dorms can't (writing on chalkboards in classes, for instance), and should only get bigger from here. Hart had a down year this year, but you never know what the next crop of fish will bring, and they should be right back up at the top in numbers. Lechner is really starting to tap into the potential it has since it pulls from three dorms. Walton will still be strong. Hopefully FHK will get on top of their **** too and make the most out of having so many residents. Dunn had a pretty bad year this year, I'm really not sure how they will respond. Makes me feel bad for Zach, Chuckles, and Funke who all worked so hard to get that yellow back.
Long story short, bonfire will be fine.