Wanted to let folks know, the Brazos County A&M Club is auctioning this piece right now (you can bid until 1 p.m. June 21) at this Facebook link. There's already a bid of $200 at least
Click here for the Facebook auction post

This is part of the Brazos County A&M Club Coaches' Night event (I'm the Club's publicity officer). Proceeds go to scholarships for students from Brazos County to attend A&M. BCAMC has 13 kids on scholarship right now!
Also (puts PR officer hat on) Come to Coaches' Night! It's a great event with about 800 of your closest Aggie friends. Tickets/details at tx.ag/CN17
Gig 'em and BTHOB,
Haas Hall, '91/'92 co-chair
Click here for the Facebook auction post

This is part of the Brazos County A&M Club Coaches' Night event (I'm the Club's publicity officer). Proceeds go to scholarships for students from Brazos County to attend A&M. BCAMC has 13 kids on scholarship right now!
Also (puts PR officer hat on) Come to Coaches' Night! It's a great event with about 800 of your closest Aggie friends. Tickets/details at tx.ag/CN17
Gig 'em and BTHOB,
Haas Hall, '91/'92 co-chair