Can somebody tell me what a redpot is? What is the deal with all of thhe different colored groups, axe handles, etc.?
Crew chief: Crew chiefs are in charge of each dorm's crew while at Cut, Stack, and in the case of Walton Hall crew chiefs, Load, serving as both instructors and supervisors. With larger dorms, there will be multiple crew chiefs to ensure that there is adequate supervision of the larger crews.[5]
Yellowpot: Yellowpots are the liaison to higher on-site leadership for crews. Each dorm with an adequate number of volunteers will have a yellowpot designated who serves as spokesman for that dorm, as well as manager to the crew chiefs of his/her dorm.[5]
Greenpot: Greenpots are in charge of administrative and financial aspects. These students, are responsible for things such as checking people in at the beginning of the day, managing finances, and dealing with paperwork, but are rarely involved with the physical labor, unless they volunteer for it.
Brownpot: Brownpots are in charge of machinery at Cut and Stack.[6] They are most often seen operating chainsaws and preparing lights at Stack. There are 5 brownpots, usually three from the Corps of Cadets and two representing the civilian, or non-reg, participants.[1] Unofficially, Brownpots have a reputation for causing mischief for the upper leadership.
Greypot: Phased out of use. Originally, the Greypots were known as "climbers" or "swing monkeys", and would climb Centerpole to secure logs during Stack, and ran axe maintenance stations at Cut. Eventually, they were phased out and combined with the Redpots, but were brought back for a short time as a replacement for the Redpots while the Reds debated passing down their lines.
Redpots: Redpots are the leaders of Bonfire. These nine seniors and nine juniors were in charge of Bonfire as a whole, from the design of the structure to ensuring that all participants were following safety precautions while overseeing both Cut and Stack. There was no official written documentation for Bonfire, and all applicable information was passed orally from one year's redpots to the next. Senior redpots were responsible for training the junior redpots in the proper process and procedures for building the next year's Bonfire. The head redpot, who has ultimate authority over Bonfire, is known as Head Stack.
Crew chief: Crew chiefs are in charge of each dorm's crew...With larger dorms, there will be multiple crew chiefs...
Senior redpots were responsible for training the junior redpots...
What is the deal with all of thhe different colored groups,
. I guess there aren't any of them any more