In order to keep citizens informed of exactly how and where your tax dollars are spent, city staff worked hard to create an online map app and listing of capital projects.
It is located at:
You will find 76 projects at approximately $445.3 million in cost. The vast majority of these projects are roadways, sewer, sidewalks, water, storm sewer, etc.
There are very few discretionary projects in my opinion. The majority are basic city services upgrades in order to keep up with a burgeoning population to better serve the citizens.
Hats off to city staff for creating this interactive, transparent and highly informative tool for folks to keep track.
[We appreciate Mr. Yancy's participation on this board and discussing subjects that are important to members of our community even if they are hot topics that can become emotional. The link that he has provided has a lot of information that can derail this thread into a lot of different directions and we are going to keep it on topic to the features of the website and not individual discussions about projects. Users may start new threads if there is a specific subject that needs to be discussed. Thank you. -Staff]
It is located at:
You will find 76 projects at approximately $445.3 million in cost. The vast majority of these projects are roadways, sewer, sidewalks, water, storm sewer, etc.
There are very few discretionary projects in my opinion. The majority are basic city services upgrades in order to keep up with a burgeoning population to better serve the citizens.
Hats off to city staff for creating this interactive, transparent and highly informative tool for folks to keep track.
[We appreciate Mr. Yancy's participation on this board and discussing subjects that are important to members of our community even if they are hot topics that can become emotional. The link that he has provided has a lot of information that can derail this thread into a lot of different directions and we are going to keep it on topic to the features of the website and not individual discussions about projects. Users may start new threads if there is a specific subject that needs to be discussed. Thank you. -Staff]