They're slowly heading east, which gives me hope it'll make it to Houston one day. With my luck, they'll finally put one here the minute after I move to San Antonio. FML
Don't get me wrong, I like Freebirds, but lol @ all the morons I see at lunch and dinner lined up 50-100 outside around the building waiting to get a burrito. I work right by there and laugh each time. People act like it's only gonna be open for a few days and then leave.
Coolest Freebirds I've seen. You can tell it is now a franchised look, as opposed to the minimalistic mom and pop feel of the Northgate bird. Saw a lot of newbies screwing their burrito up.
I know I miss the food and friends, but the weather we have had this week, every day 95+, reminds me what I normally like about E. TN and what I don't miss about Angelo or most any part of TX ( weatherwise only)
He's referring to the people eating. They unwrap the whole thing, rather than just the part they're eating. It falls apart and makes a mess when you do that.