I had one done on my L4. My disc had totally herniated and the nucleus pulposes ( the inner jelly like part of the disc) had busted completely through the annulus ( the outer part of the disc.)This material had fallen on top of my nerve root to my right leg. Pain had become unbearable.
Sometimes if the disc has not herniated you can get PT and an injection that will cause the inflammation to subside and the bulge will in a sense regress.
In my case nothing could be done to fix my problem except a fusion or the discectomy. I opted for the discectomy.
The key to good recovery from a discectomy is NOT sitting for 6-8 weeks. My neurosurgeon told me I would feel great in about 2-3 weeks but to only stand, walk and lay down….and to only sit minimally…. no extended driving or sitting.
I followed his directions and healed up well.
If you have not done some specific PT and the epidural injection you might try that first. Also get a second or even third opinion.
Good luck.
I only spent one night in the hospital and was walking that evening after surgery in the morning. About a 1-2" incision on my back.