Here is a link to the declaration: in focus but he also:
1. Prohibited large gatherings
outside in excess of 10 people, with some exceptions.
2. Household social gatherings, including family gatherings, shall not include more than 10 people.
Q&A on the curfew:Q: I have to work later than 10 PM. Will I be in violation of the curfew?A: No. The curfew prohibits social gatherings after 10 PM. Driving home from work is not a violation.
Q: Does the curfew apply only to outside gatherings?A: No. Residents are prohibited from gathering with others outside of their household after 10 p.m., including inside of a private home.
Q: Can food trucks continue to operate after 10 PM?A: Yes. Food trucks may offer takeout after 10 PM, but they must ensure people don't linger or gather at the site.
Q: Is exercising after 10 PM a violation the curfew?A: No. Individuals may exercise after 10 p.m.; however, please note that most City parks have a closing time. Group exercising after 10 p.m. could be cited for a violation. The intent of the curfew is to limit the gathering of people.
Q: Do restaurants need to clear their dining rooms of customers at 10 p.m.?A: Enforcement officers will honor a grace period of 30 minutes after closing, but restaurants should take all reasonable steps to closed their dining rooms by 10 p.m., such as stopping the seating of new customers before 10 p.m.
Q: I'm going to a wedding this weekend. If it goes later than 10 PM, can I be cited for a curfew violation?A: If the wedding is being held at a private business, such as an event space, attending the event is not a violation of the curfew. The current state occupancy limitations continue to apply to businesses.