Looking for a good GC for new ranch house build. Can be stick or barndo type. Already have plans. 2800sf, midlevel finish.
Are you a Karnes Co native?southernboy1 said:
I believe J2 Welding and Wiatrek might team up to do a complete setup for you. You might try both to find out. J2 is out of Hobson which is a few miles from Falls City. I know these places are busy as hell so you might have to wait.
We lived between Ecleto and Gillett.southernboy1 said:
Probably so, but a few years before my time. Spent a good chunk of my getting in trouble years as a youngster growing up between Helena and Ecleto.
If you graduated A&M in 96 and you attended KCHS you probably had Pop as a teacher in a few classes.wadd96 said:
You might have known my Grandfather and his second wife. He had a place in Pawelekville and she was 4 miles east of Gillett.