In light of the announcement that the Navy's next two carriers will be named after Bill Clinton and George Bush the Younger, I would like to propose the following:
That no USN or USCG ship should be named after any elected or appointed federal office holder, until said person has been deceased for at least 10 years. The only exceptions would be if said person had, while serving as a member of the USN, USMC, or USCG, been awarded the Medal of Honor, Navy Cross, or equivalent sister service or foreign award for valor.
That no USN or USCG ship should be named after any elected or appointed federal office holder, until said person has been deceased for at least 10 years. The only exceptions would be if said person had, while serving as a member of the USN, USMC, or USCG, been awarded the Medal of Honor, Navy Cross, or equivalent sister service or foreign award for valor.