So in April, it was discovered that 23 Chinese swimmers failed a drug test but were cleared by WADA, all without it ever being made public.
The US got angry, given China's recent history in swimming, and loudly and publicly questioned the decision. WADA threatened to investigate the US anti doping agency in retaliation. The US said, ok, and oh by the way, under US law, the US has authority to investigate this stuff too if you won't. Now WADA, not to be outdone. Not only has initiated that review, it is threatening to have the Olympics yanked from the US if WADA's supreme authority isn't recognized. SLC actually had something put in their contract around it.
You have to figure in the end it will get resolved, the Us doesn't want to lose the Olympics, and the IOC doesn't want to alienate its biggest cash cow, but crazy it's even gone this far.