*** STAR WARS: ANDOR *** (Disney+)

226,897 Views | 1999 Replies | Last: 27 days ago by jokershady
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jeffk said:

Geeeeez... that "what do I sacrifice?" speech.

"What is my- what is my sacrifice?...... I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude."

Somehow Luthen reminded me of Jack Nicholson's speech/monologue in "A Few Good Men"

"Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? .... my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, *saves lives*. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. "
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What an episode.

Question for TCTTS:
What are the rules for awards that differentiate "best supporting actor" "best guest star" ect?

After this episode I can't help but wonder what award nominations Andy Serkis and Stellan Skarsgrd will be getting for this series.

Hopefully they are both able to get the recognition they deserve (without having to compete against each other).
IG: mando_arms
Brian Earl Spilner
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"What is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude."
"Somehow, Palpatine has returned."

Yep, same level.
double aught
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I know it's all been said, but I love this show so much that I can't help but repeat.

Andy Serkis
Stellar Skarsgard

The entire prison break. The music. The dialogue and acting. It's all so great. This is one of my favorite shows in I don't know how long.

One Way Out!
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CondensedFogAggie said:

jeffk said:

Geeeeez... that "what do I sacrifice?" speech.

"What is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude."

Somehow Luthen reminded me of Jack Nicholson's speech/monologue in "A Few Good Men"

"Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? .... my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, *saves lives*. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. "
reminded me more of

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MandoArms said:

What an episode.

Question for TCTTS:
What are the rules for awards that differentiate "best supporting actor" "best guest star" ect?

After this episode I can't help but wonder what award nominations Andy Serkis and Stellan Skarsgrd will be getting for this series.

Hopefully they are both able to get the recognition they deserve (without having to compete against each other).

It's whatever the studio/actor collectively decide to submit as for consideration. There aren't any hard rules that say X amount of screen time/episodes = a certain category. That said, in this particular instance, I would image they'd want to submit Serkis as "Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series" if only because he's not a regular, reoccurring character across the entire season/series.
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That's what I had assumed. Thanks for the insight!
IG: mando_arms
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double aught said:

One Way Out!

And a round of applause for the new guy, who read the room immediately and promptly took one for the team.

Thank you for burning your life for an ocean you'll never be unwillingly pushed into.
double aught
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CondensedFogAggie said:

double aught said:

One Way Out!

And a round of applause for the new guy, who read the room immediately and promptly took one for the team.
I loved how that dude just jumped right in on the action like it was nothing.
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The writing for this show. I'm not sure I can think of the last show that had anything close to it.
The Porkchop Express
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double aught said:

CondensedFogAggie said:

double aught said:

One Way Out!

And a round of applause for the new guy, who read the room immediately and promptly took one for the team.
I loved how that dude just jumped right in on the action like it was nothing.
Was like Roy's brother smashing **** at the bar in The Office when Roy finds out Jim and Pam had kissed while he was still engaged to her.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Brian Earl Spilner
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double aught
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The Porkchop Express said:

double aught said:

CondensedFogAggie said:

double aught said:

One Way Out!

And a round of applause for the new guy, who read the room immediately and promptly took one for the team.
I loved how that dude just jumped right in on the action like it was nothing.
Was like Roy's brother smashing **** at the bar in The Office when Roy finds out Jim and Pam had kissed while he was still engaged to her.
Haha. Excellent analogy.

Brian Earl Spilner
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Project Gemini
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The Andy Serkis arc is so utterly brilliant and acted to perfection. The scene with Cassian stepping aside for him to speak to the prison is just magnificent. "You do this every day, tell them what to do."

Also no cheesy way for him to go out. No awful underwater shot slow playing his death. No 10 seconds of slow sappy filler music. He just, left us, and so suddenly, and it truly makes me sad in a way I've never been sad about a SW character (including the end of R1).
The Porkchop Express
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Hopefully Skarsgaard and Serkis get nominated for something. I'm still bummed Bill Burr never got official notice for his return in the second season episode of Mando called "The Believer".

Like someone else said, I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the riot to start. I really got into not only how indiscriminate the live/die card was for the guys in the revolt, but the ability that Gilroy has to identify actors who can tell a whole story with their face without having to give the an intro scene so that the audience knows they are important - the older black prisoner who is lying in his cell when Kino takes the mike, is the first to test the floor, and then leads his guys out down the hallway with purposeful strides is the case in point - no dialogue, just a guy who knows how to tell a story with facial expressions and body language.

Similarly the exchange of energy based on Andor acquiring the one blaster. The total control that the guards has vanishes in one kick and trip and a guy not afraid to start shooting people. Loved the guys grabbing parts for weapons and how fast they mobilized once armed. You'd have to think a lot of those guys must have been smugglers or in a gang or in a mini-faction of the Rebellion. They were fast learners.

The mole in the ISB was well done. Reminded me of two things.The rando who ends up killing Dicaprio in The Departed that you barely even noticed on screen, and the Freys that arrange Edmure's wedding in Game of Thrones - the guy is dressed like a dope with a comb over and a dumb mustache, the kind of guy that someone like Meero sees as no competition or threat at all.

For those who have read the Heir to the Empire novels, there is a lot of Garm Bel Iblis in Luthen, no? Can be incredibly charming, running his part of the Rebellion viciously, and beneath the surface has a very jagged edge.

How much more can Mon Mothma take before she turns against her principles completely? The suggestion of the thug's son pairing with her daughter reminded me of the last season of Ozark when Javi starts somewhat flirting and offering wine to Marty's daughter in front of him. Like Marty and Wendy, Mon Mothma thinks she can handle dealing with the criminal riff-raff until her children are brought into it.

LIke someone else said, I found the last shot of just Melchi and Andor by themselves a little on the nose since they wind up on the mission to Scariff. Seems like the prisoners would have stayed together. And that planet looked like the end of the Lorax after the Onceler mows down all the trees. YIkes.
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Serkis is freaking brilliant.
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"What do I sacrifice?! Everything!"

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powerbelly said:

Serkis is freaking brilliant.

And Skarsgard…what a badass episode
The Porkchop Express
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gougler08 said:

powerbelly said:

Serkis is freaking brilliant.

And Skarsgard…what a badass episode
Imagine Agent Meero's reaction when she realizes a dude she works with knows who Axis is and he lives on Coruscant.
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I assume some scowling will be involved
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This may be the single best episode of TV I have seen in 20 years. Maybe longer.

I'm just floored by the acting and writing. These guys delivered perfect lines with perfect delivery. And the cinematography and visuals were just as good.
The Porkchop Express
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gougler08 said:

I assume some scowling will be involved
The more pissed she gets, the hotter she becomes.

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This is prestige television, and I would never have guessed it would be.
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I'm more and more intrigued by Luthen. They are slowly revealing his past but just a small clues here or there.

The most interesting clue they dropped today is that he enacted this plan for rebellion 15 years ago. What's interesting about that is it would have been right around the time of Order 66, very early on in the rise of the Empire. What could have been the trigger for him that sends him down this path?
IG: mando_arms
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If you ever see him again, tell him that this is probably the most amazing SW writing since Lucas himself and the OT. They need him on more stuff because JFC he's amazing
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TCTTS said:

In all the hoopla, I forgot about Mon Mothma essentially having to wh*re her daughter out for the rebellion. Talk about a sacrifice. Here we were thinking her husband or daughter were ultimately going to rat her out, but of course Gilroy flipped it and will likely make us look at Mon very differently by the time we see her again in the OT, considering the choice she's almost assuredly going to make...

This was really well done, though I think the son will not be as bad as she thinks. Or maybe he'll be way worse.
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ABATTBQ11 said:

TCTTS said:

In all the hoopla, I forgot about Mon Mothma essentially having to wh*re her daughter out for the rebellion. Talk about a sacrifice. Here we were thinking her husband or daughter were ultimately going to rat her out, but of course Gilroy flipped it and will likely make us look at Mon very differently by the time we see her again in the OT, considering the choice she's almost assuredly going to make...

This was really well done, though I think the son will not be as bad as she thinks. Or maybe he'll be way worse.
This is about to be SW meets GoT.
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Wow. Better than I could have imagined
*Serkis needs more roles, stat. Guy is amazing and I'm sad for him he's been a CGI monkey/gollum and not been allowed to show his true potential. Powerful actor.
*skarsgaard… hell of a monologue. One of the best in sci-fi history. Tears in the Rain is an apt comparison.
*Mon Mothma may have to pimp her daughter to the SW equivalent of Don Corleone's son in order to get her $ to the rebels. What a freaking development that is. Just another level that Star Wars has never gone to…. Amazing.

This is another level of Sci-Fi. Freaking brilliant. Between this and the latest Dune….My nerd cup overrunneth.
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cbr said:

Like the best of sw, the quality of this show is built on other movies/stories, just moved into the sw universe for added color/aliens/blasters/sounds and visuals.

Swashbuckling - lightsabers, ww2 dogfighting - tie v xwing, etc.,

Revolutions begin, prison escapes, all of it. But this is better than the rest of sw because the acting and writing is just really good all around, by any standard, not just sw, and they are taking their time.

I think there's a certain originality in this series in terms of the revolution/rebellion. There's a grittiness in the competition between the factions, Luthen's willingness to sacrifice 50 men for a guy he's also willing to blackmail and use, his desire to provoke the wrath of the Empire on innocent people to provoke a response in return, Mothma's inevitable choice to set her daughter up with a gangster's son and potentially offer him legitimacy through that union... That's not something you ever really see in revolution stories. You may get some cloak and dagger spy stuff, but nothing like this. Luthen would sacrifice his own mother for the rebellion without a second thought and he's the good guy that you're rooting for.

Every story of revolution or rebellion is full of clean, selfless heros who sacrifice themselves for a noble cause. This one is full of antiheros willing to do horrible things and sacrifice whatever and whomever else it takes to save themselves, fan the flames, or ensure the rebellion lives on in the mere hope that something comes of it. It reminds me of Cassian's monologue in Rogue One:


We'd like to volunteer. Some of us - well, most of us - we've all done terrible things on behalf of the Rebellion. Spies, saboteurs, assassins. Everything I did, I did for the Rebellion. And every time I walked away from something I wanted to forget, I told myself it was for a cause that I believed in. A cause that was worth it. Without that, we're lost. Everything we've done would have been for nothing. I can't face myself if I gave up now. None of us could.

And Luthen's monologue fits this so incredibly well. He's making these sacrifices and asking them of others, like Cassian, knowing that no one will ever know their depth or appreciate it. Cassian never does find out if it was all for anything or not, and after these events, in the OT, all of them are just, "some really good people," who gave their lives to get the Death Star plans. Everything we see them go through and give up is eventually reduced to a line by those they've done it for, just as Luthen says

This isn't Obi Wan giving himself up to Vader to save Luke, Han, and Leia. This is much more visceral and real. The only other series that I think comes even close is Turn, but even that lacks a lot of the depth. This series isn't good because it's a story moved into the SW universe with good writing, it's good because this is an incredible story that just happens to be in the SW universe (though the phenomenal writing certainly helps).
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The crazy thing is Mon Mothma may sell her daughter out for 400,000 when 80,000,000 were just stolen from the garrison. That will be a twist if she does that, then finds out Luthen doesn't even need her money anymore. She might find out from Vel?
Brian Earl Spilner
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Doesn't she just need the money in her account to not attract attention from the Empire?
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Project Gemini said:

The Andy Serkis arc is so utterly brilliant and acted to perfection. The scene with Cassian stepping aside for him to speak to the prison is just magnificent. "You do this every day, tell them what to do."

Also no cheesy way for him to go out. No awful underwater shot slow playing his death. No 10 seconds of slow sappy filler music. He just, left us, and so suddenly, and it truly makes me sad in a way I've never been sad about a SW character (including the end of R1).
It was such a tragic arc. He went from expecting to get out soon, to learning he was never getting out, to suddenly having hope once the prison break had success, to once again having no hope.

And then to cut from that to the conversation with Luthen where he coldly let Kreegyr's men go to their slaughter, man. Just great. Great all around.
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