RIP Herc.
FightinTexasAg15 said:Cromagnum said:
Serinda Swan (Dixon) is hot AF though.
This week was a good episode
Shaped like regular pistols.Yoda said:
I truly enjoy the show and totally agree this week was particularly ridiculous. The bad guys in the car had semi-automatic machine guns. Followed the cop and the girl for at least 10 mins. Not one bullet in a person or even a tire. Hell, it was probably 100 rounds before his front windshield took a bullet.
Yoda said:
I truly enjoy the show and totally agree this week was particularly ridiculous. The bad guys in the car had semi-automatic machine guns. Followed the cop and the girl for at least 10 mins. Not one bullet in a person or even a tire. Hell, it was probably 100 rounds before his front windshield took a bullet.
Someone already mentioned the helicopter machine gun. Reacher is a big target and somewhat slow. Not even a scratch.
Michael Rosenbaum's podcast is one of my favorites. Been listening to it for years.LMCane said:
it's interesting to hear Alan Ritchson discuss his bipolar disorder with Michael Rosenbaum.
dude has a great life but dealing with mental illness also means his life can be pretty awful.
Yeah I would think it would be better with more money in the budget but yeah, I'm not liking this season as much as season 1. Don't get me wrong, it's still better than 75% of the crap out there and a good mindless escape for an hour.javajaws said:
Haven't watched the last episode yet, but this season just isn't as good as the first season. The action sequences are just...meh. Action (and everything else) was just that much better all around in the first season.
Sea Speed said:jeffk said:
I found both seasons to be equally cheesy. But a lot of fun.
They made reaxher less mysterious and more of a joke in this season imo. Also the other people on the team being badasses is a little much to handle, especially because they are all scrubs in the flashbacks. The girls fighting the biker gang was awful as well.
I will watch it all, just doesn't do it for me nearly as much as season one.
Oh, I figured they had a bigger budget for this season.Fenrir said:
Not sure budget is the problem. It supposedly had a $14 million per episode budget for season 2. That's in line with season 1 Mando which had a **** ton of special effects.
True...the hook of his dead brother (which ended up as mostly a coincidence) was a major lure of season 1 and just getting to know the character.jeffk said:
S1 had a little intrigue or mystery to it. This season is extremely linear.
Me either, and I couldn't put my finger on it. I think it's because Reacher has such a big team now, and everyone of them is portrayed as over the top badass as he is.Prosperdick said:Yeah I would think it would be better with more money in the budget but yeah, I'm not liking this season as much as season 1. Don't get me wrong, it's still better than 75% of the crap out there and a good mindless escape for an hour.javajaws said:
Haven't watched the last episode yet, but this season just isn't as good as the first season. The action sequences are just...meh. Action (and everything else) was just that much better all around in the first season.
slatermikan said:
Maybe my old man eyesight but I'm a bit over all of the the fight scenes being filmed in dark shadow mode...guess it might save stunt man budget..
bthotugigem05 said:slatermikan said:
Maybe my old man eyesight but I'm a bit over all of the the fight scenes being filmed in dark shadow mode...guess it might save stunt man budget..
Easier to light and fewer onlookers from the public I would reckon.
agreedFenrir said:
Last episode is up. Predictable, cheesey, and thoroughly enjoyable. Definitely don't think it lived up to season 1 but was still a good ride.