Today is anniversary of the Beatles last live performance-on the roof at 3 Savile Row.
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” -Henry Ford
Unbelievable what they did in those 5 years guy said:
What's funny is how much they and the world changed in the 5 years from when they went on Ed Sullivan to when they did the rooftop concert.
Rudyjax said:
Man. 4 great musicians even better together and they couldn't get along well enough to stay together.
And 3 of them lived to regret it.
Sapper Redux said:Rudyjax said:
Man. 4 great musicians even better together and they couldn't get along well enough to stay together.
And 3 of them lived to regret it.
The 4th guy was the one who catalyzed them breaking apart. As brilliant as he was, I don't think he was capable of being a team player for too long.