Iowaggie said:
Philo B 93 said:
TyHolden said:
BusterAg said:
TyHolden said:
I only remember the last episode…
Honestly, the last episode was pretty nails.
Is this a series that can transcend time? I might watch it again.
Hmmm.. "transcend time" is a big statement. But the show does hold up pretty well because its a farily acurate historical document of a certian time, place, and people.
I like to watch now with my kids, now in MS and HS, and talk about how things were without cell phones, no cable, VCRs, and the events of the world, even though it is about 15 years before my time, yet there are certain emotions that the kids go through that are so relateable.
One of the best final episodes ever done.
It is a great rewatch with you kids, especially if you have a daughter or two. It is a very emotional driven series, and Fred's long eyelashes will get their attention.
But, it is a 1980's era sitcom prior to Seinfeld. Lots of "the more you know" kind of conclusions.
For me, I watched Stranger Things with my kids to teach them about my childhood. I think that Stranger Things captures the '80's well. Wonder Years was about the '70's.
And, I agree, one of the best final episodes ever done. No feel good Winnie and Kevin together forever aftermore. The feelings they had were real, but at some point, you have to grow up. But, it was worth it.
It takes a special kind of brainwashed useful idiot to politically defend government fraud, waste, and abuse.