sox, if i were you, i wouldn't speak on things you don't understand. the memorial activities were proper, although at times misguided. yes, some of the things said might have sounded redundant and pointless to some....however, to those who know what duty, honor, and sacrifice mean, your opinion means little more than a half-thought battalion mail call. also, i don't believe i have ever heard hartfelt thanks and tear-filled hugs regarded as 'please shut up and move on'. if people who want to bury memories and tradition were offended by such actions at the memorial, they can get over themselves. sorry to sound so callous, but i have very little to say about those who refuse to stop mourning. yes, we miss them...yes, it was a tragedy....don't insult intelligence by manufacturing the same cookie-cutter memorial every year for them. show some insight, thought, and care for the deceased....they deserve better than a funeral every single year. why not honor their passion? why not continue to build upon their example? i challenge anyone....try to stop us. i dare you. we will never stop honoring, we will never stop celebrating, and we will never stop building. try it....there is so much pride and tradition pumping through the veins of the Aggie family that has yet to be realized by anyone...the quickest way to get results out of an Aggie is to tell them it can't be done. before any of you judge, attempt to experience the awesome power of the Aggie Spirit. your life will be changed, i promise.