lemme run through some thoughts i have concerning the suggestions made
the band we thought of, we posted a request on the website (which isn't well organized frankly) for former memebers to email us and recieved a few replies of people willing to play, but we didn't have the personnel to run down former bandsmen/women (much less the personnel to have a "logistics team"
the people we had running things were doing 90 to nothing since the summer trying to secure everything we needed to cover the basics.
we need more participation next year from people willing do things like this, not people saying sure i'll help, sign up to to a job then never show face again.
the ideas like, have 3 lines for people returning home was thought of, but the security people we had didn't organize the people into the lines like we asked them, and my wife wasn't about to come back after we lit Bonfire to make sure it happened.
as far as the concessions, bonfire is round, there was no "main" side. there were as many if not more people on the south side as there were on the north. i'm not sure why it was confusing as to where people could stand or not stand, perhaps we should have had signs or something of the sort directing visitor traffic. the people running the concessions were told how many people we expected and were responsible for bringing inventory to meet demand. it is both our loss, their loss, and yours for the lack of drinks available on the north side.
the only way to have people completely off stack during its construction is oodles of money for things like scaffolding or crane rental etc. the design we employed was intended to hold with a safety factor if we only stacked on ONE quarter of stack. the point is the saftey factor as far as calculations were exceedingly greater than neccessary.
the directions page on the website has links to online map generators with the addresses pre-proggramed in. if you would have found this map it should have been much easier than get to CS, look for signs. but again, the web page is not organized intuitivley so this could use some work.
as far as charging a discount price for students/children and "the money would be made back in future years yadda yadda"... that sounds nice, but when its our personal money invested we don't really have the option to hold debt for that long. some of the students involved this year and last have or had nearly $2k owed to them from construction and extras. we can't expect students in the future to continue to sink a grand or more of their personal funds into the operation. i wish we could make it free like its supposed to be, but until we get more old ags to give us large enough donations to run things, we're stuck charging entrance fees to be able to build the next year.
i'm not intending to sound sore or whatever, i know suggestions are designed to point out what we need to do better but we need less, "yall should do this and that" and more suggestions like this one....
Alumni band. I'll kick in some real money for expenses. Redoak_98@msn.com.
ie... here's what you should do next year and here's what i'm gonna do to help that happen.