When we recently moved, I found a bunch of old pictures from the greatness of 1994.
I figured since the RABs are about to become all freshman, it would be kinda cool to post some of them here.
Not to mention, this will be my 5000th post and since my first was on this board, I wanted my Legend post to be here as well.
So here's to you young RABs, and old alike, I know you guys are out there. Hopefully,
the images all work. I only wish I had some shots of cut, but the camera didn't make
it out there.

I don't care what you say, mohawks are effing sweet.

Cut schedule with gratuitous '95 sign.

Of course, in 1994 we weren't satisfied with one stack, so we started over. Most of the dorms had campsites for rebuild. We dubbed ours, the Ranch.

The Ranch at night.

We had to improvise with our cooking. Baling wire makes all sorts of utensils.

I walked out and took a few shots at night while we were off shift.

Of course, full time stack was no excuse to not hit the books. I remember climbing down off
of stack to go take a NUEN test in grodes and coming back to stack afterwards to finish up a shift.

We were out on site when they topped the dorm log and I snaked it for a domino table. Of course we, and by we I mean Stealth Squirrel, gravity checked it at the end of the year.

I just thought this was cool how the sign caught the flash.

At long last, we burned it down.
Who would have thought that in a year's time, a bunch of casual acquaintances living in a
dorm together would end up as true friends that could be counted on for anything. As much as
we built Bonfire, I think in the end, Bonfire built us.
Moses Hall
Red Ass *******s
Meanest Mother Effers On Campus
First In, Last Out
[This message has been edited by Hagen95 (edited 5/15/2007 8:46a).]
I figured since the RABs are about to become all freshman, it would be kinda cool to post some of them here.
Not to mention, this will be my 5000th post and since my first was on this board, I wanted my Legend post to be here as well.
So here's to you young RABs, and old alike, I know you guys are out there. Hopefully,
the images all work. I only wish I had some shots of cut, but the camera didn't make
it out there.

I don't care what you say, mohawks are effing sweet.

Cut schedule with gratuitous '95 sign.

Of course, in 1994 we weren't satisfied with one stack, so we started over. Most of the dorms had campsites for rebuild. We dubbed ours, the Ranch.

The Ranch at night.

We had to improvise with our cooking. Baling wire makes all sorts of utensils.

I walked out and took a few shots at night while we were off shift.

Of course, full time stack was no excuse to not hit the books. I remember climbing down off
of stack to go take a NUEN test in grodes and coming back to stack afterwards to finish up a shift.

We were out on site when they topped the dorm log and I snaked it for a domino table. Of course we, and by we I mean Stealth Squirrel, gravity checked it at the end of the year.

I just thought this was cool how the sign caught the flash.

At long last, we burned it down.
Who would have thought that in a year's time, a bunch of casual acquaintances living in a
dorm together would end up as true friends that could be counted on for anything. As much as
we built Bonfire, I think in the end, Bonfire built us.
Moses Hall
Red Ass *******s
Meanest Mother Effers On Campus
First In, Last Out
[This message has been edited by Hagen95 (edited 5/15/2007 8:46a).]