Bonfire memories

55,797 Views | 252 Replies | Last: 10 yr ago by TowerAg90
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wait, Walton still loads? Loads what?
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There were a few Walton boys who were in charge of load at Student Bonfire, but I don't think that the texags poster by that handle was one of them and doesn't really "get it."

If he did, I don't think he'd spam "Walton loads!" over and over without expressing some real knowledge of Bonfire.
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yeah walton loads it up there....oh wait i cant say that without getting banned

It kills me that only a few of us still keep the old dorm/group rivalries alive. Half the fish (especialy on southside) seem more concerned with joining alpha alph buttpirates or whatever frat/sorority than doing anything aggie related.

Proudest member of the Fightin Texas Aggie class of 08 Beat the h*** outa tu A-A-A-A-A!!!!. May bonfire forever burn in our hearts.....and may the Twelfth Man ever burn it in memory and in hope for the future.
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Some of my greatest memories went like so:

-Spam sandwiches
-Spam stories
-THE Spam cocktail, THE for a reason... you only have to be that dumb once.
-Guinness pots
-THE Mosher Mugger
-Upperclassman Surf Cut w/my favorite Brown and Knockout
-FHK Plex chiefs and chairs
-Random, motivational, attack-style leg dry humpings
-Former FHKers coming back and sharing stories of old Bonfire
-Dan's How to Guides including How to: punch a monkey OR start a riot and get your name in the paper
-"Assisting E Company with their skid quota"
-The "log" on log action on Neeley's skid by Moses
-Dual Ventilation pants
-The progression of woods decimation from week to week and Stack growth from night to night.
-The Lekner/Dan '08 log
-The friends, the fun, the fhking, the funny a$$ people, stack and UltraSuperTurbo Stack, and the Fire.

These are the things that make what we do worth everything it costs to do it. There is no explanation for what an experience like Bonfire means to me, only a burning desire to do it again next year, a lifetime of memories, and sense of pride in myself, a profound sense of respect for those that came before us, and love for all those who worked with me and helped all of us along the way.

-THE Leknerd of SB '05-

[This message has been edited by DoctorSnoball (edited 2/16/2006 12:03a).]
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Having read through this thread, this is completely a timeline for the transition from Old Fire to New Fire. Though times and circumstances have changed, the experience is what always stays the same. Please if you read this thread, give your two cents and best stories, it means alot to more people than you know and means even more to those that you shared those times with.

This is hands down the best thread I have ever seen on Texags. Thanks to all you who posted on here.

[This message has been edited by DoctorSnoball (edited 2/28/2006 3:03p).]
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Over the past 7 years, I have been involved with 5 Bonfires and have seen my share of things that would probably be "good bull story" worthy. I've seen two fires burn very well, two give it the ol' college try, and one that changed them all forever...

...But we all know that it is not the final destination of the stack that matters, it's everything else leading up to that. That is where the stories come from.

In the same way I listen to my Dad tell his Old Army '72 fables and think "We'd have gone to jail for stuff like that," my future son will probably say the same about mine. My stories have not been weathered by the years like his, but they still carry quite the same spirit when you look deep down.

Like as a fish in '99, we were ordered to cover down on the Sq 12's Butt Pot no less than 17 times. He wasn't a big guy, but he sure had some fight in him. After being on the bottom of the dog-pile for the 11th or 12th time, he just gave up. We resorted to more drastic meausres resulting in the band of his Froot of the Looms being worn as a badge of courage around the pot of our largest fish buddy (nicknamed "Gun Show". There isn't a word in the English language that describes the type of wedgie we gave that night, but "Gun Show's" pot still displays that white elastic band with pride.

Some of the greatest memories come from Load that same year (by the way, Walton loaded with US, not the other way around). It was there that I learned what Bonfire smelled like. It is a mixture of blood, smoke, and sweat; mixed with copious amounts of dust, topped off with chips of bark and sap from a newly cut log and a hint of diesel for taste. You only fully appreciated the labor you put into the day when you went to the shower and blew the biggest, brownest Load snot-rocket man has ever known. God, I miss that.

The hardest time was the two year gap between Bonfires where I would catch myself on a beautiful day saying to my buddies, "man, I wish we were out at Bonfire today."

(to be continued)

If you can read this, thank a teacher.
If you can read this in English, thank a Soldier.
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Took part in 3 Bonfires from '95 to '97. Sad it's gone now. Its one of my real good memories from my days at College Station.
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by the way, Walton loaded with US, not the other way around

Not to burst your bubble, but that was because Walton was officially banned from Bonfire that year. I nearly got kicked of cut-site at first cut for wearing an old Walton LOADS shirt. The poor Jrp couldn't get it through his head that I did not live in Walton (anymore) therefore was not a member of Walton, therefore was not banned from being there. I told me I had to turn my shirt inside out. I told him I would if the Red Pot walking Load site did too. He went away.

Based on the tragedy at the end of that year I always felt bad about that little exchange. Bonfire should be about unity, not fighting. Oh well.
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This is one of my favorite pictures. I took it at last years bonfire.

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Link bad

[This message has been edited by RayRay99 (edited 9/10/2006 10:55a).]
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Gump 02
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What is better than waking up at 5am on Saturday to puke in every trash can, cut, load & unload...I even liked unload in its own way...when the truck finally then, we were all delirious anyway...

Of course, the real fun started at 6am on Sunday, when we start it all over...

BgChicken '96

[This message has been edited by AgDaddy96 (edited 9/27/2006 10:36p).]
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Wow! I'm so glad that I decided to check back in on Back when I was in vet school I discovered this great Aggie place and spent a few years posting here and there, but then life got in the way and unfortunately I've let myself start to forget about some of the best times of my life.

But after a hectic five years of life in the Army, I'm happy to have the time to get on here and read things like this great post. Thank you US Army for sending me back to school. Whoop!

Anyway, I can't believe how far I had buried my Bonfire memories. I loved Bonfire. I didn't discover it until my sophomore year when I lived in Clements (of all places). I couldn't get on-campus my freshman year. But I had one of the most red-ass Bonfire chairs. That was Rebuild '94. I became the Chair in '95 but I had a hell of a time getting anyone to go to cut as a group from Clements with Lechner. But even though our turnout was piss-poor, I had a blast with the nerds that year and then again my senior year when I was living off-campus.

I look back on '99 and realize that a part of me faded away when campus Bonfire stopped. I haven't done a good job of keeping up with what's going on with the off-campus stuff but I hate that our university can't find a way to bring that tradition back. As someone who wasn't a part of the in-crowd of Bonfire, I was still welcomed every time I showed up and put in a little blood and sweat. It's sad that others can't experience that camraderie now.

Anyway I'm still a maroon-blooded Aggie and now I will have the time to really remember those good times. I'm nine weeks pregnant and can't wait to pass along all those memories to my little Aggie...future Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of '29?? Now that's scary!

Gig 'em and BTHOtech!

Happy Meal
Clements '95
Armadillo Jackal
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Good Bull!
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I didn't discover it until my sophomore year when I lived in Clements (of all places).

Clements?! A Bonfire participant from my dorm? Wow, am I ever glad to hear from you!
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Reading all the memories from the "good 'ol Bonfire" days has made me laugh and wipe a tear away.

A few memories really stick out in my mind . .

like when Beavis run a bunch of logs up my ass because I fell asleep in my 4th stack swing (found out later I have narcolepsy--sleep ANYWHERE)

the time that me and Fat Chuck spray painted a cross tie and the wire encrusted pad locked tagline blue

having Neeley chicks give a log a good motivational crotch rub

I miss the "fire walks", the "y-stick "crew yell, and all the friends that I sweat and bled with

However I do not miss the phone "grab your pot and axehandle" calls, no whilted lettuce, all the tree huggers complaining about the death of all the trees
Sesh 96
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This is pretty much like the best thread ever.

I have the original post and the transcript of Chip's speech from the memorial dedication saved on my puter for when I'm feeling nostalgic.
preshy boy
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motivational self grodeing my fish year
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I miss meeting all the new kids who would get involved with Bonfire.

I miss Howdy Week parties.

I miss giving a stupid frat boy freshman the nickname "Bucky" and having him put his ten-points up to his head whenever we yelled his name.

I miss going into my room after a party to find a girl in my bed, and a buddy sleeping in my closet. Or under my car. Or both.

I miss walking into a friend's garage and seeing it filled, FILLED, with kegs of beer.
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My memory moments of 2006:

- The phone call from some guy named Joel while I was getting wasted (it was early afternoon mind you), that changed the outlook of Bonfire '06 for so many people close to me.
- Shopping at the Second Chance store in the hopes of making myself look as ridiculous as possible, knowing that some poor son-of-a-***** has to do the exact same next year and that making it completely worth it.
- The simple fact of actually HAVING TO worry about how I dressed at Bonfire and finding an orange hardhat.
- Meeting the new fish and the sheer surprise that there even were any.
- Skrotez's testicle obsession. (Hence the name)
- Popping off nicknames to people I don't even know and them accepting them like it was law.
- The once-daily white trash cigarette.
- Token's Tobaccolympics.
- The OC who?... Homeless? Uhhhhh... ok. (x20) Loved those guys.
- Craaaaazy Bob and all the FHKers.
- "Here, let me do that for you and get back to work.... (pause and turn to another chief) This is probably not the safest way to do this..."
- The suggestion of Gold Flake/Silver Spoon pots for the Callaway girls prior to finding out they were actually in my crew.
- Fish racing Crocker
- Helloooooo Nurse!
- Potball with Hart
- Hart's switch wars.
- The Samurai vs. the Watermelon
- Pudding Pack Baseball... and resulting facial
- Getting "set up" at Stack by dead greys and browns.
- Arboreal last rites from Universal Life Church Reverend Jesus
- The "that doesn't look poisonous, does it?" dorm log. (i.e. Devil Tree)
- Bringing back a dead dorm full of nerds.
- The memorial on 11/18 at 2:42.
- Befriending without a doubt the hardest working, most motivated cute couple to which absolutely none of this would be possible without.
- Realizing a dream of mine which I had nearly given up on.

I'll never forget how, I'm not sure when, but I can't help but remember with whom my dreams came together. Each and every one of you Nerd Crew folks... I truly appreciate, admire.... HELL love you all deeply. (such a sap) Thank you all for all that you have given me and all that you mean to not only me, but to all those who love you. And yes... even you Skrotez.

LekNerd Bonfire... FA-Q, we're getting paid to do this!

[This message has been edited by DoctorSnoball (edited 12/23/2006 2:50a).]
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Some of you may remember seeing Michael Ebanks Maroon IH Scout out at cut. Ran across it for sale today out at a swap meet in Decatur, still has the 99-2000 parking sticker on the windshield.

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I love coming back to this post. Funny how the mind works but one other thing that some of us real old one's will remember -

The Gray Ghost!

The greatest truck to ever haul logs from LOAD!

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I remember that. The guy with the mustache always drove it (Hollywood?). Was it his?
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Dr.Snoball, I remember that fish race with Crocker. I think wel destroyed you
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i miss "the boys". you know who you are.
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The Gray Ghost was a testy *****. You had to treat her right or she'd be pissy.

I love this thread.
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