Rocag said:
Both of your examples (Bell Labs and Space X) are or were heavily dependent on government contracts and funding. Bell Labs was founded using money the French government awarded Alexander Graham Bell, for example. That isn't to say that human innovation is dependent on government funding, but a large number of the society changing technological advancements that have occurred in the last century probably would not have happened without it because the funding for that research might not have been available to begin with.
This also isn't to say that there haven't been many private sector discoveries that didn't include government funding, because there absolutely have been. The point here is that it is blatantly wrong to depict our modern world as solely the product of private capitalist systems. It's just not true.
So we all agree it's not Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, and the welfare state creating these outcomes? Glad we're on the same page instead of off on some anti-capitalism tangent.