Howdy, it is me! said:
dermdoc said:
Howdy, it is me! said:
dermdoc said:
lobopride said:
dermdoc said:
lobopride said:
Do you have a link?
To what?
To Paul Washer's sermon or lecture or whatever it was.
Just google Paul Washer's quotes on hell. Numerous links including full sermons.
And if anyone can find any sermons in the NT that are similar or echo this theology, please inform me. Where did this theology come from?
The specific quote you posted to start this thread is shocking but the whole sermon is very good.
I will have to listen to the whole thing. Thanks.
Read the pdf and he and I have have completely different theologies His is very fear and wrath based, mine is love based. He is penal substitutionary atonement. I am Christus Victor. He believes in a judicial salvation. I believe in an ontological one. Would not want my kids or grand kids to listen to his sermons. Very wary of any fear based theology. Do not think it is Biblical.
Am sure he is sincere, just different theologies/soteriologies.
The difference is I do not think he is going to hell for our differences in theology. I bet he thinks I am. Thank God no man can scare or send anyone to hell.
And this sounds nothing like the sermons in the New Testament I have read.
I would love to ask him the question of where in Scripture it states that Jesus came to save us from hell.
Well the person who spoke of Hell most in the NT was Jesus and He didn't mince His words.
I have heard that a million times and it really drove me to look at the original Greek and what Jesus actually said. And to who he was actually talking to.
First of all, he was speaking to Jews who had no concept of a hell place. The actual Greek word referred to Gehenna which is well know valley outside of Jerusalem. It was where bodies were dumped after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. And was where Molech worshippers had sacrificed babies. A lot of theologians believe when Christ was speaking these things, he was warning the Jews about 70AD and not eternal hell.
The pluck out your eye or cut off your hand quotes are considered to be hyperbolic statements by most scholars. Jesus used this all the time like hate your parents.
The quote about fearing the one who can destroy body and soul never mentions punishment, only destruction.
The only verse that really can be used by infernalists with any degree of reliability is Matthew 25 46 and that is because the same word aionis is used to describe the length of life and punishment.
It is very tricky as that word usually means of an age and not eternal but I will concede that favors eternal punishment.
What is interesting is kolasis is the word used for punishment. It is usually translated as pruning or redemptive correction. Timoria is the Greek word for vindictive punishment.
Either way, I do not want either and will get neither as a born again believer.
The other thing about the sheep and goats parable is that it is specifically talking about nations and not individuals.
The word hell was actually created by the KJV translators and is very inaccurate. Same word Sheol in the OT is translated hell half the time and the grave the other half. And it was always translated to suggest ECT hell. Read up about King James and I think you will understand why that is.
You probably disagree with everything I typed which is fine. From my reading, Jesus talked very little about heaven or hell.
Paul, God's chosen evangelist to the Gentiles never mentioned hell. Seems very odd since you would think it would be a pretty big deal and teaching point.
And Jesus and Paul preached much more about how to live this life than anything about the afterlife. Jesus said much more about helping the poor and needy than heaven or hell.
And I can not find any NT sermons that are anything like Washer, Lawson, MacArthur, Piper, etc. on this subject. Seems odd.
Would love to ask any of these guys to give me a Scripture that states Jesus came to save us from hell. And why use fear based theology?
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