Wyoming Aggie said:
Quo Vadis? said:
Wyoming Aggie said:
Quo Vadis? said:
Need to have their ability to receive the Eucharist rescinded pending spiritual direction, absolution and conversion.
IVF is much more insidious than abortion because it pretends to be about life, but in doing; achieves the wholesale slaughter of the unwanted.
Catholic here and my wife and I are about to start IVF treatments in our early 40's. Can't wait. And I'll definitely still receive the Eucharist.
Why? I don't understand this mindset. The church says "this is a moral evil", but you say "not only are we going to do this happily, we'll keep taking the Eucharist and we don't care what you say"?
I don't understand your mindset. Wanting to rescind my ability to receive the eucharist because my wife and I are trying to bring a new life into the world.
Do you people listen to yourselves? Get off your moral high horse. And you wonder why people are leaving the church in droves.
I'll save the details of how we ultimately left the church for exactly the kind of stuff you are highlighting, but suffice it to say, the Catholics not only drove us away from Catholics, they drove us away from church in general. Hopefully, your faith is better than mine. Life is too short to be unhappy and unfulfilled. Have your children. Be happy. Use science to your advantage; The science that God enabled.
I truly hope you're successful and you have all the children and happiness you can handle, and to heck with any person or entity that chastises you for it.