Fancy athletic facilities and new schools are built with bond funds that are voted for by the citizens of the school district. While I agree that these are unnecessary, the citizens who would pay for them approved them.lb3 said:
I'm with you on school funding. Cut the burdensome reporting requirements and let teachers teach. We don't need ivory palaces or fancy athletic facilities to learn. Temporary buildings that can be added and subtracted easily should be the norm rather than redistricting every few years.
I would get out of athletics all together and transition to year round schooling with a definitive tracks for professionals and those interested in the trades.
A growing cost to schools is the definitive tracks you mentioned. Schools are building out CTE programs for all sorts of trades (HVAC, stylists, nursing, culinary arts, etc) along with college level courses (AP) that require extra teachers and resources.
The vast majority of these are demands of the community in which a school sits. So the school provides them as a response to the demands. That increases administration and costs.