Teslag said:
Logos Stick said:
Teslag said:
45-70Ag said:
The best thing for Ukraine is for their own people to decide who their leaders should be and if he wants to stand in the way, he should be Mussolini'd.
Their constitution does not allow for elections during martial law. In addition, how do you propose holding elections in areas under Russian occupation?
Get rid of Martial Law. Next.
They can do that as soon as the foreign invader isn't on their soil…
I seem to remember someone telling me once that Putin was free to leave anytime he wanted.
Well Zelensly can have an election anytime he wants.
Let's hold everyone to the same standard.
If the Ukrainian people want to continue the conflict and think he is doing a good job then they will reelect him.
But why not let the Ukrainian people decide what they want?