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Digital Interviews

13,121 Views | 71 Replies | Last: 2 mo ago by PaulDicton
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We did this for a position in my group. Global O&G company so not sketchy. It was for an individual contributor role, not entry level but not leadership. It's the first time I've seen it used.

We used it to weed out people that couldn't handle technology, people that recorded themselves in the truck or wearing a t-shirt. I think we looked at 10 videos and picked 4 to interview.

It was weird but it did save some time. I wasn't hiring manager but helped review the videos.
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409Texag said:

File5 said:

Don't see why you wouldn't, what have you got to lose?

Did the videos this morning and already got the email for the next interview stage!
Good to hear feedback on this. Was laid off yesterday by a large CPG company out of The Bay Area and job hunting for the first time in years. I'm not sure what to expect. My previous 2 company changes were due to being reached out to with better opportunities. Day 1 of searching is already giving me a headache. It looks like I may have to prepare for this, among other new things!
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TexasAGGIEinAR said:

409Texag said:

File5 said:

Don't see why you wouldn't, what have you got to lose?

Did the videos this morning and already got the email for the next interview stage!
Good to hear feedback on this. Was laid off yesterday by a large CPG company out of The Bay Area and job hunting for the first time in years. I'm not sure what to expect. My previous 2 company changes were due to being reached out to with better opportunities. Day 1 of searching is already giving me a headache. It looks like I may have to prepare for this, among other new things!

I know where you're coming from. My dad was the fire chief and emergency response coordinator for a refinery here in Beaumont and just got laid off due to the refinery closing its doors. He's job searching for the first time in 16 years and it might as well be rocket science to him.
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409Texag said:

TexasAGGIEinAR said:

409Texag said:

File5 said:

Don't see why you wouldn't, what have you got to lose?

Did the videos this morning and already got the email for the next interview stage!
Good to hear feedback on this. Was laid off yesterday by a large CPG company out of The Bay Area and job hunting for the first time in years. I'm not sure what to expect. My previous 2 company changes were due to being reached out to with better opportunities. Day 1 of searching is already giving me a headache. It looks like I may have to prepare for this, among other new things!

I know where you're coming from. My dad was the fire chief and emergency response coordinator for a refinery here in Beaumont and just got laid off due to the refinery closing its doors. He's job searching for the first time in 16 years and it might as well be rocket science to him.
It's not just him. I've averaged a new company every 4-5 years. I just turned 40 and was part of the first generation to embrace and rely on technology. The current job hunting / hiring system is broken. It seems hopeless to job hunt right now unless you are in sales.
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My degree is in fire, safety and health but I've applied for two sales development programs for industrial equipment rental companies and made the interview stage with both. Even though I just have an Associates degree. Thought I knocked the first interview with company 1 out of the park but never heard back even after a follow up email. Interviewed with company 2 yesterday and think I did well & they say I'll hear back from them by the end of the week. We'll see. Just trying to get my career started!
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Is that a degree for EMS and Firefighters? Or something similar to HSE?
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It's more geared towards OSHA. It did include firefighter classes such as fire science, firefighter heath & safety etc. Fire prevention and protection systems, as well as ergonomics, emergency management, and various OSHA classes. Graduated with it from Blinn last week. Most of my classes were at the TEEX fire field! Relatively new program. All of my professors were either past high ranked firefighters and instructors at TEEX as well as people in charge of the A&M fire protection systems.

Growing up I did want to be a firefighter but my dad who was a career firefighter for a not so great city (before he went to the refinery) kinda pushed me into the industrial side of things.
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COP is hiring for HSE in Permian. Job posting is on linked in
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Nice!!! I see you're keeping us updated, can't wait to hear how it turns out
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I have a degree in business management. I've been in Logistics for 15 years and just added 2 years of DC Ops Management. That being said, most everything I see at other CPG companies is for category managers, engineers or sales. Starting this rollercoaster at 43 isn't ideal. Is Indeed the best stop for searches and resume posting?
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Despite what others say, I've had good luck with LinkedIn. Last two jobs I've had came from LinkedIn. I had 3 offers last time I was in the job hunt. One came from a recruiter who reached out to me via LI, and 2 from job postings I found on LI.

Also had a recruiter reach out to me late last year that found me on LI.
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Other than being "open for work" are you doing anything to be noticed? Could it be more the field you are in?
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AJ02 said:

Despite what others say, I've had good luck with LinkedIn. Last two jobs I've had came from LinkedIn. I had 3 offers last time I was in the job hunt. One came from a recruiter who reached out to me via LI, and 2 from job postings I found on LI.

Also had a recruiter reach out to me late last year that found me on LI.
I had LI and just got spammed constantly. I had carriers sending me setup packages to my work email 10x a day. Those things ate up my inbox space badly. I guess it's hit and miss on success. I'm hoping Indeed works alright.
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AgLA06 said:

Other than being "open for work" are you doing anything to be noticed? Could it be more the field you are in?

I signed up for the free month of LinkedIn premium and got a lot of legit interest from recruiters.

My field is manufacturing/planning/supply chain. Was in medical devices now back in O&G.
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Yeah, I was getting a lot of requests from people asking if I'd be interested in their logistics services, trucking , etc. I just ignored them.
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Well did the virtual interview last Monday and thought I knocked it out of the park. Conversation from the interviewer and me was very easy and I thought I answered really well. The woman interviewing me told me multiple times how she thought I had good answers. She told me I would hear back one way or another by the end of the week (Friday) or sooner. Never head back. I sent a follow up email and still haven't heard anything. Looked on my profile on the employer website and it still pending so not sure.
Pretty bummed out. Still applying for a bunch of different positions but nobody is really emailing me back. Getting kinda discouraged and just ready to start my career somewhere.
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409Texag said:

Well did the virtual interview last Monday and thought I knocked it out of the park. Conversation from the interviewer and me was very easy and I thought I answered really well. The woman interviewing me told me multiple times how she thought I had good answers. She told me I would hear back one way or another by the end of the week (Friday) or sooner. Never head back. I sent a follow up email and still haven't heard anything. Looked on my profile on the employer website and it still pending so not sure.
Pretty bummed out. Still applying for a bunch of different positions but nobody is really emailing me back. Getting kinda discouraged and just ready to start my career somewhere.
If she is not the hiring manager, it could be that she provided feedback to the hiring manager and that person hasn't had the time to make up their mind. It all depends on the size of the organization; the larger the organization, the more time it typically takes to actually hire a person.

When I'm interviewing people, I'm cognizant about not being specific when it comes to telling an interviewee when they're going to hear back. I'll be upfront and tell them the process but not give them a specific timeframe.
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GrayMatter said:

409Texag said:

Well did the virtual interview last Monday and thought I knocked it out of the park. Conversation from the interviewer and me was very easy and I thought I answered really well. The woman interviewing me told me multiple times how she thought I had good answers. She told me I would hear back one way or another by the end of the week (Friday) or sooner. Never head back. I sent a follow up email and still haven't heard anything. Looked on my profile on the employer website and it still pending so not sure.
Pretty bummed out. Still applying for a bunch of different positions but nobody is really emailing me back. Getting kinda discouraged and just ready to start my career somewhere.
If she is not the hiring manager, it could be that she provided feedback to the hiring manager and that person hasn't had the time to make up their mind. It all depends on the size of the organization; the larger the organization, the more time it typically takes to actually hire a person.

When I'm interviewing people, I'm cognizant about not being specific when it comes to telling an interviewee when they're going to hear back. I'll be upfront and tell them the process but not give them a specific timeframe.
This is the big problem with so many places just ghosting interviewees. Once you've interviewed someone more than once, it's just good business etiquette to at least let them know they're no longer in the running. This is no longer the norm, evidently, and it leaves people, like 409 here, thinking they're no longer in the running when it just be a company making up their mind or working their way through their internal process, as GrayMatter says.
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Update: I got this email today from the lady I interviewed with.
Any of you corporate people wanna tell me if this is good sign or not? Lol

"Hi - I hope you are doing well, I should have an update for you by end of week this week, I have reached out to several specialties on opportunities and am awaiting their updates. I will follow up soon with you. Thanks for you patience."

The position is a sales development program for a very large equipment rental company. This seems like it is a good email to get. She is the talent specialist for the program. I feel like if they weren't taking me they would have just told me and not drag it out even longer. Fingers crossed…..
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New job I started a few months ago in Dallas. I never even talked to an HR bot. Was reached out to directly by the hiring managers and interviewed with them alone. Got the job.

It was a breath of fresh air not to talk to some goon
infinity ag
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409Texag said:

Update: I got this email today from the lady I interviewed with.
Any of you corporate people wanna tell me if this is good sign or not? Lol

"Hi - I hope you are doing well, I should have an update for you by end of week this week, I have reached out to several specialties on opportunities and am awaiting their updates. I will follow up soon with you. Thanks for you patience."

The position is a sales development program for a very large equipment rental company. This seems like it is a good email to get. She is the talent specialist for the program. I feel like if they weren't taking me they would have just told me and not drag it out even longer. Fingers crossed…..

Hard to say. I got a similar sounding email 2 weeks ago and then got the offer (which I accepted). I got another email like this from Walmart Tech in the Bay Area and will hear back next week (which I will reject if I get it).

So it could mean anything.
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We took longer to make our last decision than originally planned, and so I know my HR folks sent out at least one if not two of these. Several reasons for us delaying but nothing to do with the candidate.

Good luck!!
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My company uses video interviews for high volume positions, but because of this thread, I have my team only using them on candidates that applied for job. If they are someone they contacted, they are going to do personal phone interviews.

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Haven't checked in on this thread in a while. Glad it's still having an impact! I'm ~month into my new job now and settling in well. For the record, the position I took was with the company that gave me the in-person interview, not the digital one. Honestly got tired of waiting on a response! Good luck to all who still going through the job searching process!
one MEEN Ag
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I think these video interviews serve a couple quiet goals for HR moreso than anyone else. HR wants to uncover as quickly as possible any 'discrepancies' about your sex, minority status, age, or right to work. Getting you on video answering a few innocuous questions is an obvious way to do that.

Also for technical roles there is a major pool of applicants that are not qualified, lie on their resume, cheat the interview system and use AI/friends in room/no video sharing to try to get past the first couple rounds of an interview. This system helps weed those out as well.

The problem is that this type of barrier skews you to the younger and more desperate, which a giant company is happy to oblige anyway.
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Update: Turns out the job I applied for wasn't even open. After the HR contacted the local office the managers basically told her there wasn't even an open spot in my area for the Sales Development program. The HR lady says she is going to put my info aside and circle back to me whenever something does open up. (doubt it but oh well). Job hunt continues. Just ready to start my career somewhere.
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Keep your head up! I'm still in the process as well. I've had headhunters and recruiters reach out then disappear. One called me and we talked for an hour. She couldn't tell me the company that was interested in me and has since gone silent (since the day after Father's Day). I also had one fail to follow up after a screening, then refused to answer texts or calls. My old employer from years ago has since asked me to come back, but not sure I want to start that back over. It would pigeon hole me back in Transportation/Logistics/Trucking. Then again, my severance is drying up and I may have to say yes out of desperation. Certainly mentally grueling, but will sharpen my future self. Maybe a few Hail Mary's will be answered before I have to make that decision!
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Sounds like a bad business precedent.

"Make time for me, but I won't make time for you."

No thanks.
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Open to any opportunities if they are the right fit!
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Well it took nearly three months but I finally heard from the company I did the digital interview with! They decided to move in another direction. Luckily I too had already moved on as well. Honestly assumed that they had forgotten about me. I'm perfectly content now with my new opportunity. Really appreciated the feedback I got on this thread and hope it helped y'all out as well. Best of luck to those of you who are still on the hunt. Keep us posted!
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Definitely check your camera, mic, and internet before you start. You don't want any tech issues messing with your flow. If you can, practice recording yourself answering some common questionsgetting comfortable with the format can make a big difference.When it's time to answer, take a moment to gather your thoughts so you can speak clearly and confidently. Even though it's digital, body language still matters. Sit up straight, smile, and look into the camera to make that connection. For the written and multiple-choice parts, read everything carefully so you know exactly what they're asking for.

Above all, just be yourself. Let your personality come throughemployers are looking for someone who fits with their team, not just the right answers. Good luck
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AzulLandry said:

Definitely check your camera, mic, and internet before you start. You don't want any tech issues messing with your flow. If you can, practice recording yourself answering some common questionsgetting comfortable with the format can make a big difference.When it's time to answer, take a moment to gather your thoughts so you can speak clearly and confidently. Even though it's digital, body language still matters. Sit up straight, smile, and look into the camera to make that connection. For the written and multiple-choice parts, read everything carefully so you know exactly what they're asking for.

Above all, just be yourself. Let your personality come throughemployers are looking for someone who fits with their team, not just the right answers. Good luck
I should add sometimes the Asian companies will make you stare into a camera without themselves on Camera. It gets unnerving (and is a bit rude, but what can you do except leave) if you're not used to it.
suburban cowboy
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