I have acquired both a new production Marlin 1894 in .357/.38 and an older Glock 20(10mm) in trades for puppies in the last couple of weeks. Both have been to the range and are great shooters. My boy and nephew are going to shoot all the .38 158 grain they want on Saturday at the end of the day.
In January I traded an XD 40 for a Glock 42. Both like new. Fair trade.
Last gun a paid for was a S&W model 27-8 Lew Horton. Bought it in September off a website/meet up in Coryell Co for I think $1400 with some ammo. In 95% condition with no Lew Horton paperwork but correct serial number. It is my favorite shooter of many many revolvers I own.
The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. -- Abraham Lincoln.