joerobert_pete06 said:
texAZtea said:
If that's a big enough area that you think trophy deer will stay mostly inside of your allotment, why would the lease syndicate get tore up about someone not providing ample protein in their area?
It wouldn't affect me if I put out enough feed. Hell, it might even bring your bucks to my area if you don't.
…. And so this encourages everyone to supplement feed in the off season
Yeah that doesn't answer my question.
The hunting allotments are so large that there is very little crossover in deer and you should be able to shoot a monster buck you see for the first time at your stand because it lives in your allotment (which is against the lease agreement since someone else probably let it walk, as per the lease agreement). If this is true, it shouldn't matter to anyone else if I'm feeding in the off season or not since the deer in my allotment fairly well stay in my allotment (no one else's protein is going towards my trophy).
The hunting allotments aren't so large that there is little crossover, and if you take off your baby pants and shoot the buck you are seeing for the first time you might be shooting a buck that someone else has been feeding and watching for years.
You can't have lots that are large enough that the deer stay mostly in your lot but small enough that deer don't stay mostly in your lot. It's probably the second, since your lease agreement has all of those rules about everyone contributing feed, and the triumvirate having to approve your kill before you skin the buck, as stated in your lease agreement.
What it sounds like is you're an old timer on the lease and have had things go your way here and don't want to see some new guy mess up the sweet gig you've got and so you're willing to screw them over a little by having a say over what they can and can't shoot.
Or, you're the newcomer who bought the bs they fed you hook line and sinker and are defending it so hard because you're too embarrassed to admit you've been duped and are getting the short end of the stick while paying so much money.