Had an awesome trip with an Aggie buddy in Alaska the first week of the month, finally. We planned and booked a caribou trip. Unfortunately for our caribou hunt, federal lands were temporarily closed to Non-qualified Subsistence hunters for caribou for through the fall of 2023.
About July of this year, our air transporter (one of the best in the business) and we agreed on a plan to make the hunt happen this year. We stay flexible and awaited a call to let us know when a good spot and time was head for the North Country. On a Friday night a few weeks ago, that call came. We needed to be there on the following Sunday morning.
I'll fast forward through more drama (thanks to American Airlines). We got into the field on Wednesday afternoon. Setting up camp, we had 6 bulls within 500 yards. Pic of live bull below is the best one of those. If we could have legally, he would have been shot. Next day, saw a few cows, several Grizzlies, a Wolverine, some sheep, and lots of ptarmigan. On Friday, we spotted two bulls way up high from about 1.5 miles away and studied/videoed them. Eventually, we made our way closer and the decision was made to go after one. (Bull with the velvet hanging).
On a trip back to camp, found two kore and buddy was able to get his. (His pic was taken at 10:30pm). Got all we could to camp then finished the next morning. While leaving camp that morning to go get the rest, two Muskox walked almost into camp. Got everything back to camp in time to get picked up before weather sticks there for 2-3 more days.
It happened so fast, it hardly seems real but we are so blessed and thankful to finally have this one in our memories.
Leaving tomorrow AM for CO with an archery bear tag in hand.