wtmartinaggie said:
Any of y'all have night vision goggles/monocular that you use regularly? the cheap stuff is pretty rough...
was thinking it could be cool to use getting to/from the stand and just to have in my "in case **** hits the fan" bag.
i've heard steele industries is good, y'all have any recs? any feedback on an appropriate budget to get a decent setup?
i know there's a lot to do with using an IR beam to improve the lower end stuff and that isn't preferrable to the preppers because it shines bright on IR devices. it also seems like IR is more combat useful than for anything i'd use if for...
thanks in advance for the input!
Like many have said, avoid the digital devices. With an image intensifier you're looking at a 1:1 image of the world vs a 2d interpretation from a small screen. Theres no latency or processing limitations with image tubes. While field of view is limited to 40*, you can get used to it through use and training. I usually recommend new users walk around their house a lot before going out on the trails or range with it.
A Gen 3 thin filmed or unfilmed PVS14 is the most versatile option when it comes to head mounted nods. Its basically the Glock 19 of the NV world. Tons of aftermarket support.
For budget on a NEW device I'd recommend planning for $3299+ for thin filmed Elbit and $4399+ for Unfilmed L3 devices. The reason for these admittedly high prices is due to the nature of image tube manufacturing and the R&D that goes into them.
Recommend going with a basic XLSH or SLH from Elbit or an 18/20LM from L3. Both are great tubes and come with 2 year factory warranties.
If you go the USED route, be careful and ask if the device still has a specification sheet(new tubes all come with them) that comes with it as that will give you an idea of the image tubes performance or "horsepower". You can use the spec sheet to match up the serial number on the image tube inside the device to make sure you're not getting fleeced. I also recommend new because you get a warranty. Most are 5-10 years.
For hunting or navigation to the blind I think a helmet might be too bulky so I'd recommend a soft cap like the Crye Nigth Cap or the 4D Tactical SOF cap. That way you can just wad it up and stick it in a pack or pocket for easy transport.
For mounts I recommend Wilcox, Norotos, Cadex and Nocturn Industries although you can find used GI surplus mounts for cheaper that will work but might now be as stable as the others.
There are a number of supplemental IR lights that you can use either handheld or head mounted. I prefer PrincetonTec, Surefire, and Streamlight. When you use NV you WILL run into situations where you'll need supplemental IR. Whether thats looking under a cedar trees moonlit shadow or trying to find that spider web crossing your trail so you dont do the funky chicken after you walk through a web.
You're welcome to reach out to me personally. Email is my username at gmail. Full disclosure, I am a NV dealer local to BCS but dont advertise to try to remain unbiased here.
Edit: Recommended Gen 3 WP performance threshold
2000+ photocathode response
less than 1 EBI
Less than 1 HALO
25+ SNR
64+ LPMM
Vae Victis