Lake is still over 2' low, the creeks to not connect to the main lake. We did not get the rain that was originally forecasted either, so there will be little change there. In regards to the silt, the fluctuating water levels going from below pool to over pool in a short about of time pushed up a lot of silt. Last year at the end of Jan, the lake came up 4 feet in just a couple days. That's a lot of water coming down the creeks to do that. Nails, Yegua, and Birch all have silt built up at the mouth of them. There was so much water coming out of Yegua last Jan that the creek changed course where it enters the lake. You can't get out of the cove at Birch right now because of the silt. When the lake is at pool, you can get up the creeks if you have the right rig. Mud boats, jet drives, light outboards and paddlecraft can do it. anything bigger is very questionable.