Has anyone ever seen one of those big ginormous paper wasp colonies, like bald faced hornets, anywhere in the brazos valley?
Or seen an underground yellow jacket colony? Which are also ginormous....
And im not talking about the ones on your soffits that have 30-40 wasps... im talking thousands...
I've got a wood pile in my back yard and I've seen things buzzing around an area... I threw a chunk of wood at the general area and a cloud of flying things came out... of course I ran and couldn't tell what they were... I'll wait till its below freezing and throw on my bee suit and take the wood pile apart to see whats there... im just curious if anyones ever seen hornets in a big paper nest around this area.. just not sure if there is a nest in the wood pile or an underground chamber under the pallet the wood is sitting on.
I know they're around... I once had an empty bee box in my back yard and I found a queen hornet who had just started her nest inside the box... looked just like a normal baby yellow jacket nest except she had started the paper shroud around the base...
she died.. mainly cause I squished her... bees eat nectar and pollen... wasps eat bees... so im always keeping an eye out...