No inside scoop, but this is off the website:
Future Infrastructure improvements planned in the near and distant future.
In 2019 Wickson Creek SUD completed an Engineering Water Supply Study to develop an additional water supply for the Wickson Creek SUD. The study addresses the current rated production capacity and life expectancy of existing infrastructure. It made recommendations for future capital investments to keep pace with current and future water supply needs through the year 2066. The study included recommendations for additional water wells, water treatment facilities, storage capacity, distribution improvements, and infrastructure maintenance intervals.
Based on the study recommendations, Wickson Creek recently completed the drilling of an additional water well. It will ultimately add over 2,000 GPM to the Wickson Creek water distribution system. Other improvements taking place will increase ground and elevated storage capacity by over 2,000,000 (million) gallons.
Wickson Creek SUD is already looking to the future and preparing to stay ahead of projected demand. The Utility is uniquely positioned to invest approximately $20,000,000 (million) in capital improvements over the next 8-10 years to expand the water distribution system and its capacity for current and future customers.