Who has the best chicken fried steak in B/CS? Not that frozen commercial CFS…more like homemade .?
Girlhowdy said:
Marfa Texas Kitchen
This Thismaroon barchetta said:Girlhowdy said:
Marfa Texas Kitchen
They cheapened the product. Now it's a "tendarized" half inch thick piece of meat with the tasty crust extending out about an inch or two beyond the meat.Mathguy64 said:
In the old days I would have said Longhorn Tavern, but something post move to downtown changed. I can't put my finger on it exactly but it just wasn't the same. Maybe the fact they they had to start with fresh unseasoned grease in the fryer
Buford T. Justice said:
In the old days, I would have said the Somerville Steakhouse, or that place in Snook that Chip Howard used to promote.
I'm not a fan of those either. I ask to substitute the risotto.Bucketrunner said:
If Marfa would just eliminate the greasy potatoes under the steak it would improve one full grade point.
How long has it been since you ate a CFS at the Feed Barn? I was there several months ago and their CFS was just like the "cutlets" we used to get served in the cafeteria in high school.13B said:
Feed Barn, Longhorn Tavern, Sodalak's and believe it or not Cameron Ranch Exxon.
According to this thread, I need to try out Marfa's. (Yikes! $22, maybe I'll wait)
FlyRod said:
The Republic's chicken fried filet mignon ain't bad. Ditto chicken fried oysters.