Tex117 said:
TXTransplant said:
At busy intersections or ones where you can't clearly see all four sides, absolutely.
I agree with the previous poster who said stay off the roads with no power. Last night was the first time I'd been out. And the number of people who would speed up to an intersection where you could clearly see there were no other cars waiting to cross only to slam on breaks at the last second was a little unnerving. They clearly weren't paying attention at all - not to the fact that the light was out nor that there was not another car to slam on breaks to avoid.
You are a great poster TxTransplant, but there just isn't any debate to be had about stopping at every light that is out.
Want to break the law, or change the law, go right on ahead, but that's all there is to it.
For your taking a right turn on red not after a complete stop, yup, I'm well aware I'm braking the law when I do that. I do it because its a pain in the azz to full stop, but I wouldn't advocate NOT coming to a full stop. Just like when lights are out.
Thanks for the gentler words. I knew I was gonna catch hell for my post, and it's certainly deserved. I'd expect a cop to write me a ticket if they saw anyone doing what I described. I'm not trying to say it's ok or doesn't deserve a ticket, just that it might be the "better" choice in a specific circumstance.
I get what you're saying, and I think we are actually closer in viewpoint on this. I'm not advocating this is how people should be driving right now nor do I think the law should be changed, and that wasn't clear.
But if you get to an intersection and realize you've screwed up and didn't brake in time, don't make it worse by slamming on breaks if you don't have to. And it's really easy for people to make mistakes right now. We are so used to seeing colored lights, that people forget to stop if they don't see one.