WES2006AG said:
El Gallo Blanco said:
I don't know, but I do not remember people getting sick all of the time like this until that Fauci-funded-Chinese-virus-lab leaked the China-Virus out into the world...likely intentionally.
lol, people getting sick during cold and flu season is now a new thing. Seriously one of the dumbest things ever posted on this site.
Not saying that...I just do not remember people getting sick so often...not just talking about this winter. Last 2-3 years, I have personally noticed an increase in our office and also in my regular life. It's probably largely due to the possibility that Covid is here to stay, I don't know.
Maybe I am wrong on that, but one truth is certain...you're a liberal male feminist...your best and brightest leaders believe men can get pregnant, that they should compete with women in sport and shower and change with them afterwards...among a whole host of other supremely ret@rded things.
Do some self-reflection and try to drift back towards sanity before flinging poo online over someone else's honest observations. Praying for you. You got this!