Howdy West Tejas Ags,
A Cen Tex Ag here,...just read this thread yesterday.
I grew up in waYco with one of the daughters of Mary Ann and Lawrence Lacy. That, and the daughter had a best friend who was a neighbor, Mrs M. is her name...she has been teaching school in Alpine for over 25 years.
Mrs. M was just in town for Mr. Lacy's 90th Birthday party.
I've known these ladies for many years, since we were all in grade school together.
Mrs. Mary Ann Lacy, was one of the nicest parents I can ever remember. Ditto for Mr. Lacy, kids we played at their house, jumped on the trampoline...
On another note, Mrs. M and Mr. M, were hosts this summer to five baseball players of the Big Bend Cowboys. I spoke with Mr. M yesterday, it was the last home game of the season, and they were all headed to Kokernot Field for the finale. The Cowboys will make the playoffs, but will prob play on the road as they finished about 4 games out of first place in the Continental League.
I have been out to Alpine for visits a few times, and always went by Kokernot Field just to take a look. It is about a cool ballpark as there is,...
Every since we all were kids, we heard of the 06 Ranch. The daughter, I call her G. Lacy,...used to go there every summer when we were kids. Mrs. M went also...
Chris Lacy is the brother who runs the ranch, son of Mary Ann and Lawrence. He is mentioned in that Sports Illus article from 1989. I think I recall he played football for TCU.
From what I have read about 06 Ranch, it is still the largest working cattle ranch in North America.
I spoke w/ Mrs. M yesterday also, she confirmed what was in the article. Mr. Herb took care of his players. She said some made more money playing in Alpine than they would have in the Major Leagues. She also knew of the stories of the players that played there,... Norm Cash, Gaylord Perry, Jim Fregosi.
Throughout all these years, I never knew Mr. Herb was a Former Student. I know there is a Kokernot Hall on the Baylor campus, but I guess I never asked enough questions back then.
thanks for the stories here, as I did enjoy the 1989 SI article, as I know it is true