Best 18 holes in the Permian. it actually quite nice, even now with the lack of rain. You are looking at about 10K to start and monthly fees of 450-600 depending on age. They keep membership pretty low so getting on the course is easy. Only need tee times for saturday before noon. Good food with a brand new facility.
Key advantage is two 18 hole courses. Parts of the orignal 18 are very nice. the rest is nice, but more typical of this area. The newer 18 is the Mission Dorodo course. More of a links style. Pretty good course, but nothing to write home about. The memebership there is, shall I say, a little more colored. (Not talking about race) There are some great people over there, but there are some realy characters. No idea of pricing, but they did build a new clubhouse with NO fees to the members. the facililty is nice, but not quite Midland.
One other course to consider is greentree. It is not as expensive as Midland, but has 27 holes. The East and West lack variety, but the North takes care of that. The only boring hole on the north is number 9. My five year old could come up with a better layout. It is straight away with a fairway aobut 200 yds wide. A true country club hole. I have been a member there and the only gripe is the numbers. Hard to get good tee times on the weekends. the thursday scramble is frikin awesome though.
[This message has been edited by AG1996 (edited 7/18/2011 3:53p).]