Besides 2 bars (woodys and tsunami) and a low key green building on Stewart rd towards west end. Had a failed attempt using google for a place that didn't exist.
Really just looking for a place that's decent to not have to share a que ball.
I think the nicest bar I've been in with pool tables was Murphy's, IIRC the tables weren't bad for being in a bar. Hell that's probably the nicest bar I've been to in Galveston.
And yep, the Poop Deck is still there
[This message has been edited by silverado_lover (edited 9/19/2012 11:11p).]
Plenty of places where you can get a table, but not really a dedicated pool hall that I know about. Murphy's is pretty good, I'd probably have to go with that one also.
There are some local side street dive bar billiard rooms, but honestly, you really don't want to do that.