Okay thread faithful, I owe you an update, but I'd like to solicit your opinion first about a worry that I have. I know I'm long winded, but I will state my case and then ya'll tell me how you would proceed.
The subject truck is 2006, as was the 5.9 that came out of it. However, I surrendered that block as a core for the long block I am building back now. When I ordered the engine built they took all the particulars and proceeded to build me a 5.9 common rail. Great!
So I am happily working away and the engine is getting real close to going back in the truck. The wiring harness and clutch are the only big ticket items left to be installed. As I was working last week I read a thread on the Cummins forum about a horror story from someone who had an oil cooler gasket failure and intermittent oil pressure issues; other posters added with tales of mismatched oil cooler components and gaskets... which got my gears turning....
I ordered and installed a 2006 5.9 Common Rail oil cooler with gaskets. I called Thoroughbred Diesel last week and compared and confirmed AGAIN that I indeed have the
right oil cooler. I also installed a
new oil filter housing and on that same call went over each part number with the rep
confirming - these are compatible parts for my engine. Yes, all good by every account, BUT, I don't have my old oil cooler because I dropped it in the trash back in May. I did look and confirm when I assembled it that the oil passages appeared to line up and to my untrained eye it looks like everything was as it should be. I still have the old housing, but not the cooler or gaskets so I can no longer compare them side by side.
OCD just walked right into my shop and made itself at home.Out of an abundance of caution, today, I called the engine shop and asked them if I should have checked my block, were there any differences in the blocks that would cause me to have mismatched parts? They replied no, that I am golden. I explained my concern and they assured me, all good; but if I want to be sure, I can spin my engine before I put the injectors in to make sure it puts up pressure.
Well, I've already installed the injectors, and the injector harness, and everything above that; and while that's easy enough to undo - I have installed the connector tubes too. In theory, those new connectors are crushed to seat and by the book I should put in new ones. Also, I have my CP3 in and If I spin the engine I'd probably need to take it out because without fuel... it's turning un-lubricated. These are a lot of steps back and a huge pain in the azz.
Here is the driver's side of my block. The sensor is the factory oil pressure sensor which actually just a Murphy switch apparently, but the brass fitting is my an adapter I installed to put a second oil pressure sensor for my Edge CTS3. I plan to put a manual hand gauge there for initial start up.
I am prone to hear hoofbeats and think it's giraffes; it's a character flaw. I have no reason to think I have the wrong stuff - I just know the consequences of one of those gaskets being for the wrong block. I think I have let the potential consequences and message forum horror stories dictate my level of concern over something I didn't give a lot of thought to until last week.
In light of that - Do you think:
A. What were you thinking? Disassemble the whole thing and start over.
B. Pull the oil cooler and look hold it in your hand even if you don't have the old one to compare it to.
C. You did your due diligence and addressed the concern - proceed cautiously with startup.
D. F it. Run it.
E. You bought this turd why are you bothering us with it.