drumboy said:
Nice car!
Also did a double take on that username but it's ok and be patriotic and proud this Pride weekend.
Lol...been years since someone looked at it that way. I picked that user name well over two decades ago when I lived on the USAF Academy (USAFA) and worked in Cheyenne Mountain. Had it when the 12th Fan was a website and when it be came Websider, then when Websider became part of TexAgs.
Got a lot of clowns banned playing it for their closet gaiety and refused to change it over the years outta' pure spite! LOL
My mind didn't work that way 20 years ago...still doesn't. My wife, 3 kids and ALL the women I still flirt with would agree!
No offense taken...I just laugh that it still works sometimes.
I figured I'd get more grief for my fat old thumb in the picture! LOL
12thFan/Websider Since 2003