Parking Citation "Warning" in front of my house Dallas

3,558 Views | 27 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by Absolute
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Went to leave the house this morning and there was a Dallas parking enforcement truck blocking my driveway.

Asked what was going on and the lady, not a cop, said that a neighbor had complained about the truck parked in front of our house saying it did not run and had not moved in months. She was actually pretty nice and I am embarrassed to say I was not particularly because its been a rough week and I immediately got really pissed for a variety of reason most probably would. I wasn't a complete ass, but I was not my normal relatively friendly self.

Anyway, I explained that the truck runs, it is inspected and registered and that unless there were rules I don't know about, I can park it in front of MY house for as long as I want in a legal manner. Granted it is a pos white base 15 yo Taco that my elderly father drove by braille for the last couple years of his life. It wasn't pretty when it was born and it has some scraps and dings, but it really isn't all that bad. Additionally I explained that it has been driven multiple times in the last week, but we always try to park it in the same general spot in front - to one end of the yard leaving enough room to put the trash cans in front and enough room for another car to park behind it. But that I didn't feel that was breaking any rules. I know it was driven because I drove it twice and the college kid drove it a bunch lately because she was too lazy to get gas in her car last week and used the truck instead. I don't care, it is good for it to get driven some.

She told me that I had to move it / show that it was moved by tomorrow when she comes back or they will ticket it/tow it. I was in a hurry and pissed, so didn't think to ask if she would like to see it run/move today.

The stupid part is that it usually lives in the back. We have a carport with 3 spots. It has to live out front when the college kid is home for summer/holidays because her car is nicer and gets the covered spot. We are taking her back to OU Friday, so it can go back to it's spot in the back. Although now, I am highly tempted to leave it out front permanently with some sort of sign expressing my opinion of the whiney no class neighbor, whoever they are, they would rather call the police/city than speak to one of their neighbors. Particularly when neighbors and their guests park in front all the fing time. Just move it a couple feet every few days.

Is there some law/rule I am not aware of that says you cannot park a vehicle that is legally registered in a legal manner(pointed the correct direction, close to the curb) and runs fine, but is used in a limited manner in front of your own home? That someone came along and created a rule about the amount of time that is allowed between driving? Had the kid move it today, but was seriously considering letting it escalate then sending them the ring camera tapes proving it has been driven.

Just finding myself irrationally pissed about the whole thing for some reason.
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Park it in your neighbors front yard instead.

No idea on actual law but presume there is something since enforcement officer was there.
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Is there anything in your HOA that prevents a legal vehicle from being parked on the street?

Sometimes you have to decide if its worth the ride to deal with the ticket and having the vehicle towed.

You may be better off just swapping vehicle locations early than dealing with the issue - which sucks because it shows the "neighbor" won.
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Move it every morning in front of your neighbors house on the street

***Beat me to it in the neighbors house. I had this open when I got home and started cooking dinner. Come back to my phone 15 minutes later and there's a response. ***
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Absolute said:

She told me that I had to move it / show that it was moved by tomorrow when she comes back or they will ticket it/tow it. I was in a hurry and pissed, so didn't think to ask if she would like to see it run/move today.
This part makes no sense since you've told her it runs and you've moved it. At that point, they owe it to you to tell you what rule you've broken, and prove that you've broken it. Sounds like some BS.
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I'll move it in the back again Friday when we leave. Can't fight the man I guess, not worth the hassle.

Looking at the ticket/warning that the kid just gave me, it says 25 hour violation. So I am guessing there is a rule somewhere that says no parking for more than 24 hours consecutively on the street. A rule that is literally broken ALL the time everywhere
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Absolute said:

I'll move it in the back again Friday when we leave. Can't fight the man I guess, not worth the hassle.

Looking at the ticket/warning that the kid just gave me, it says 25 hour violation. So I am guessing there is a rule somewhere that says no parking for more than 24 hours consecutively on the street. A rule that is literally broken ALL the time everywhere

Lots of rules are broken all the time everywhere. For example, parking in your driveway but blocking a sidewalk.

Citations will never be issued unless someone complains.

Not at all defending the busy body who complained. Just saying everyone does it won't be a great defense haha
The Wonderer
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I don't know about Dallas, but Houston has an ordinance that vehicles on the street are "supposed" to move every 24 hours, lest they be tagged and towed.

So back in 2021 when I was still with my ex in our house in Oak Forest, I parked my deuce and half in front of our house for several weeks while I worked on some minor things. I got busy at work and just didn't mess with it for a few weeks. Get a call from my ex while at work one day and HPD is at the house concerning the non-working vehicle. She said it runs and we do use it (it was current on tags and registration), but I've been busy at work and just haven't messed with much but I had driven down the street to the bar just two nights ago. They chalk-striped one of my 46" tall rear tires and said if it hadn't moved when they came back the next day they would cite and tow it (keep in mind this truck weighs 13,000 pounds dry and empty). I chuckled as I know who called it in (*****y old lady next door). So I get home from the office at about 10p and get the story from my ex as she's laughing while telling me about it. So I go outside and start it up to drive around the block.

Now, keep in mind, that this truck has the multi-fuel turbo engine, so you have to start it and wait 5 minutes for everything to warm up before you can drive anywhere. It happened to be parked where the straight-piped smoke stack was aimed directly at the complaining neighbor's house. So I warmed it up and drove it around the block and parked it. Once you drive it anywhere, you have to wait 5 minutes for it to cool down the turbo as it has to have pressure for the oil to circulate. So it idled for 5 minutes with that stack aimed at her house. I did this every day for a week until she came out and yelled about it being loud. I told her that I was sorry, but by law, I had to move every day because of the ordinance and someone reporting it and that I was working long hours and needed to handle it after work. She asked me to stop and said she wouldn't say anything else about it. Too late. Did it for another week or so before parking it at a buddy's shop a few minutes away.

Sure do miss that truck.

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Man do I love a good Malicious Compliance story
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My first vehicle was a '64 Chevy C20. It was multi-colored due to doing some body work. I drove it to school every day. One Saturday, the HOA ores stops by while my dad and I were outside. He tells my dad that the HOA is going to tow the "non-running" vehicle. Dad, being the smartass he was , told the guy to stand in the street behind the truck, and quietly told me to get in and back it up. Ol boy moved pretty quick for a fat guy. Then he changed his tune and said it had to be painted all one color. Dad told him to eff off, and started a war with the HOA on every little thing. After about a year, they never contacted him again.
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I'm most pissed that a neighbor would do that. They should have observed the truck is usually in the back 9 months a year except when college kids might be home. That they wouldn't have a little grace and be neighborly.

Just another example of the crappiness of people now.
maroon barchetta
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Did you ride around during Harvey and rescue people?
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is your neighbor a lesbian?
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Take picture of truck in current parking spot. Tape to window.

Move truck 5 inches forward. Take new picture.

Keep pictures on your phone to use in dispute.

For added fun, print pictures and distribute to neighbors doorsteps.
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Each week, rotate which way it week back it in, one week pull it in forward, etc...

That way you can keep it in the same spot, but show that it's moving.
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Don't like cars parked on the street. Don't like the look in a neighborhood.
However, general rule is if you park on the street park in front of your OWN house. We have five cars when the kids are home and it is a constant movement of cars.
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HDeathstar said:

Don't like cars parked on the street. Don't like the look in a neighborhood.
However, general rule is if you park on the street park in front of your OWN house. We have five cars when the kids are home and it is a constant movement of cars.
Totally agree and prefer not to. But we are the same, if the kids are home, there are more cars than rear spaces and I don't see any reason that a neighbor should be complaining about me parking my vehicle in front of my OWN ****ing house!
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be sure not to give them any more opportunities to come back out - always make sure you are parked properly on the street -

1. Texas law requires right hand wheels on right hand curb within 18 inches.
2. not within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or 30 feet of an intersection.
3. Dallas does have a 24 hour parking prohibihtion.


A person commits an offense if he leaves standing or parked in a public street, alley, or other public place, an unattended vehicle or other private property for a continuous period of time longer than 24 hours. (Ord. 14584)
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HDeathstar said:

Don't like cars parked on the street. Don't like the look in a neighborhood.
However, general rule is if you park on the street park in front of your OWN house. We have five cars when the kids are home and it is a constant movement of cars.

It's a public road. They can park wherever they want. My neighbors across the street park in front of my house sometimes and it doesn't bother me one bit. The alternative is that I move somewhere with a long private driveway so no one can park directly in front of my house. Complaining about someone legally parking on a public street is HOA Ken/Karen level.
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The Wonderer said:

I don't know about Dallas, but Houston has an ordinance that vehicles on the street are "supposed" to move every 24 hours, lest they be tagged and towed.

So back in 2021 when I was still with my ex in our house in Oak Forest, I parked my deuce and half in front of our house for several weeks while I worked on some minor things. I got busy at work and just didn't mess with it for a few weeks. Get a call from my ex while at work one day and HPD is at the house concerning the non-working vehicle. She said it runs and we do use it (it was current on tags and registration), but I've been busy at work and just haven't messed with much but I had driven down the street to the bar just two nights ago. They chalk-striped one of my 46" tall rear tires and said if it hadn't moved when they came back the next day they would cite and tow it (keep in mind this truck weighs 13,000 pounds dry and empty). I chuckled as I know who called it in (*****y old lady next door). So I get home from the office at about 10p and get the story from my ex as she's laughing while telling me about it. So I go outside and start it up to drive around the block.

Now, keep in mind, that this truck has the multi-fuel turbo engine, so you have to start it and wait 5 minutes for everything to warm up before you can drive anywhere. It happened to be parked where the straight-piped smoke stack was aimed directly at the complaining neighbor's house. So I warmed it up and drove it around the block and parked it. Once you drive it anywhere, you have to wait 5 minutes for it to cool down the turbo as it has to have pressure for the oil to circulate. So it idled for 5 minutes with that stack aimed at her house. I did this every day for a week until she came out and yelled about it being loud. I told her that I was sorry, but by law, I had to move every day because of the ordinance and someone reporting it and that I was working long hours and needed to handle it after work. She asked me to stop and said she wouldn't say anything else about it. Too late. Did it for another week or so before parking it at a buddy's shop a few minutes away.

Sure do miss that truck.

Hang tight. You owned that or still do? And for the record... that thing is badass!
The Wonderer
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Sadly, it is long gone.
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Show her the ring doorbell camera footage of it moving
The Pilot
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HDeathstar said:

Don't like cars parked on the street. Don't like the look in a neighborhood.
However, general rule is if you park on the street park in front of your OWN house. We have five cars when the kids are home and it is a constant movement of cars.
That's not a rule, it might be a common courtesy to park in front of your OWN house but you can't dictate where people park on a public street unless the city restricts it with some kind of parking restrictions. In Dallas, there is such a thing as permitted parking on the street but your neighbor will likely have the same permit as you.
Sea Speed
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'03ag said:

Man do I love a good Malicious Compliance story

They are one of the most satisfying things to read on all the Internet
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I hate neighbors like that. Had a neighbor call the police on my FIL because he parked his collapsible travel trailer in front of our house.

On the other hand, you deserve a ticket for letting your daughter go to OU!
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Well the neighbor will be happy now that the truck can park in the back until Christmas.

I failed to indoctrinate both my kids. But she saw A&M quite a bit and it really just didn't fit her. Plus she would have had to do an alternate entry method. Thankfully OU fits her and she is very happy there. It is a quick easy drive, which I like. If I am hundred percent honest it reminds me more of the A&M campus I remember from my time there in the late eighties than the current A&M does , at least from the standpoint of visiting and driving around and doing parents stuff with her.
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Absolute said:

Well the neighbor will be happy now that the truck can park in the back until Christmas.

I failed to indoctrinate both my kids. But she saw A&M quite a bit and it really just didn't fit her. Plus she would have had to do an alternate entry method. Thankfully OU fits her and she is very happy there. It is a quick easy drive, which I like. If I am hundred percent honest it reminds me more of the A&M campus I remember from my time there in the late eighties than the current A&M does , at least from the standpoint of visiting and driving around and doing parents stuff with her.
Not to derail too much. I hate OU sports with a passion but have to agree, it is a nice campus with many good folks. I got my Masters from there and they were very good to me. I lived almost 20 years of my adult life in the OKC area. I grew up here in B/CS and live here now (and forever) but B/CS and A&M are nothing like when I grew up here nor while I was at A&M.
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After her first year I would say my training about Aggie sports still had her liking them more, though she was aware of how ou was doing. Said the football games weren't as fun, though she is mainly concerned with the sorority dressing up and girl stuff. Expect that will all gradually shift. But that's ok. Will be fun when we finally play each other, hopefully soon!
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