Getting back into running and doing about 15-18 miles per week (slow build to this point since February). Dealing with a new pain around the lateral portion of my heel.
Some background - I was dealing with what I think was plantar fasciitis in my right foot, along the inside portion of the arch (as in, towards the side of the inside part of my foot, but still under the foot). The most pain was near where the arch and ball of my foot meet. That has pretty much resolved itself with a new pair of running shoes.
I noticed the new pain while I was doing a downward dog stretch last week after I did a lower body strength session (which included body weight calf raises because my calves have felt tight/weak for months). Whenever I straighten my right leg, flex my foot back towards me, and lift the leg up, I feel a tightness/pain between my Achilles and my ankle bone going straight down towards the side of my heel. This image link is a good approximation of where the pain is, mine is maybe a touch further up the side but it's close.
Is this Achilles related? PF related? My foot falling off? But really - is this a RICE thing, or should I be doing some strengthening/stretching exercises? I sprained my ankle playing soccer 16 years ago now, and my right ankle/foot has always been a little more achey. I know I may need to back off running some, but I'd like to keep some mileage if I can. I don't feel it much when I'm running or moving around, just in that specific stretch (downward dog or lifting my straightened leg with my foot flexed). My calves have been super tight for months and months because I'm horrible at stretching. Working on fixing that now, but it's likely another factor.