So, like some others I'm sure, I lifted years ago in the THSPA (and also a couple of NASA meets). My son is a freshmen in high school and wants to compete in the not too distant future. The only problem, he's in high school in Plano and none of the schools have powerlifting teams. I even briefly talked with the Plano West AD last spring, who said they don't have the budget or space for it (space meaning their weight room and it being tied up from morning to night with all the other sports). My understanding from the THSPA, that in order to compete at their meets, you have to be part of a school sanctioned team with a coach who is an employee of the school.

That being said, I know there are some on here who have competed beyond high school. Any suggestions on organizations for teens? I'm aware of the IPF and USAPL (which is apparently no longer part of the IPF). And it seems NASA is still around. For those who've competed, any recommendations on where to get started as a young lifter?