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Texas A&M University President M. Katherine Banks resigns

July 21, 2023

On Friday, M. Katherine Banks resigned as President of Texas A&M University just over two years after assuming that role.

The surprising announcement comes after Kathleen O. McElroy, who was hired in June to direct Texas A&M’s journalism department, walked away from the position.

On Wednesday, Banks met with the Texas A&M Faculty Senate to discuss the controversy involving McElroy’s resignation.

“I will say it has been a difficult week for Texas A&M. I’m saddened by the negative attention that we’ve received. It’s been detrimental to our shared goals and vision,” Banks said.

“It’s embarrassing. I take responsibility for it as I should, as the president of the university,” Banks added.

Banks was Texas A&M’s Dean of the College of Engineering before taking over as president on June 1, 2021.

Chancellor John Sharp has announced that General (Ret.) Mark A. Welsh III will serve as Texas A&M University’s Interim President. Welsh had previously been the Dean of the Bush School of Government and Public Service since August 2016.

Welsh becomes the eighth Texas A&M President — in a full-time or interim capacity — since Robert M. Gates left the position to serve as Secretary of Defense of the United States in December 2006.

The following is a press release from the Texas A&M University System:

Chancellor John Sharp today announced Dean Mark A. Welsh III as acting President after Texas A&M University President M. Katherine Banks submitted a letter late Thursday announcing she would retire immediately.

The announcement comes after the Faculty Senate passed a resolution Wednesday to create a fact-finding committee into the mishandling of the hiring of Dr. Kathleen McElroy, a University of Texas professor, former New York Times journalist and graduate of Texas A&M University, class of 1981.

In June, the university announced the hiring of McElroy to revive the school’s journalism program, but that fell apart as the details of the job offer changed from a position with the possibility of tenure to a one-year professor of practice appointment, with the option to renew.

At the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday, President Banks denied knowing about the changes in the job offer but took responsibility for a flawed hiring process after a wave of national publicity suggesting McElroy, who has done research on diversity and inclusion, was a victim of “anti-woke” hysteria and outside interference in the faculty hiring process.

Public universities in Texas are in the middle of eliminating offices of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to comply with recent state legislation.

In her resignation letter to Chancellor Sharp, President Banks wrote, “The recent challenges regarding Dr. McElroy have made it clear to me that I must retire immediately. The negative press is a distraction from the wonderful work being done here.”

Two years ago, Dr. Banks became the 26th President of Texas A&M University after a decade of excellence as Vice Chancellor and Dean of Engineering at the university. She led efforts for the Texas A&M System to become the only university in Texas to help manage a national weapons lab, the Los Alamos National Laboratory; created EnMed, a program training engineers to become medical doctors; and oversaw dramatic enrollment growth at the nation’s largest engineering school.

Chancellor Sharp thanked Dr. Banks for her years of service and named Welsh as acting president until a national search can find Dr. Banks’ successor.

Welsh, a retired Air Force general, is the Dean of the Bush School of Government and Public Service.

President Kathy Banks’ Resignation Letter


First, thank you for the opportunity to serve at this wonderful university. It has been an honor of a lifetime.

The recent challenges regarding Dr. McElroy have made it clear to me that I must retire immediately. The negative press is a distraction from the wonderful work being done here.

I wish Texas A&M nothing but the best. It has been a privilege to serve under you.

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Texas A&M University President M. Katherine Banks resigns

71,154 Views | 147 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Laura_Jonees
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12Power said:

Banks was way better than that woke leftist before her who had zero Aggie values and did more damage than good to TAMU. This journalism hire bs is unclear to me. Although McElroy was a former student, she seemed to be a hire that I thought would continue down the DEI / woke path and demise of the university.
Inclusion and diversity USED to be an Aggie value. It's one of the hallmarks of a welcoming university. It's now an embarrassment and looks to be "anti-woke" purely because of far right wing ideology and misinformation. I used to be proud to be an Aggie, but now I won't even volunteer that information. Higher education? Backward education is more like it now.
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Pluto88 said:

How many of us are Journalism majors that can speak intelligently on this topic? ... Oh wait, NVM.

didn't major in journalism, but it took me 15 seconds to research Mrs McElroy and find out that she violated the central tenant of journalism - impartiality.

I wish her well, but I'm glad she's not at A&M. We dont need any more n'erdowell "journalists".
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I have no idea what you are saying. Banks did a good job. Young was a disaster almost from the beginning. I wish Banks would have stayed if she could. Not so therefore move on.

Further, I do not know what went on behind the scenes for that would clearly provide more information and understanding. I do believe that any department head needs to be objective, skilled, and a good team builder and administrator. Not pushing some agenda as was the fear with the proposed journalism dept nominee. An unforced error.

I can speak for the corporate world and changes happen frequently and not frequent enough. For example Jack Immelt ran GE into the ground for 20 years and the board did nothing.
C2 Ag 93
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If McElroy said this, she would have been a part of the problem in America today.


How do you square Aggie core values with the following statement?

"We can't just give people a set of facts anymore. I think we know that and we have to tell our students that. This is not about getting two sides of a story or 3 sides of a story, if one side is illegitimate. I think now you cannot cover education, you cannot cover criminal justice, you can't cover all of these institutions without recognizing how all these institutions were built." McElroy said in an NPR radio segment on the role of journalists.
This is a really well done TouTube regarding the question of whether media was ever unbiased (or, at least, less biased). The commentator did it so well that I cannot tell what his political leanings are.

Give that video a listen, then re-read McElroy's quote. Definitely colored by the rise in liberal propaganda in the media over the past several decades.
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TheBeagle90 said:

1) Don't believe everything you read in The New York Times. Which underscores the importance of teaching ethical journalism and investigative reporting rather than bias and narratives.The Rudder Association (TRA) neither effected McElroy's hire nor Bank's resignation.
2) There was no Rudder Association when Joe Ramirez was appointed Commandant in 2010 as it was founded just 3 years ago.
3) We think all Aggies should be proud of the great job Joe is doing in his current position.
4) We don't speak for General Rudder on current events nor do we believe should anyone other than his immediate family. James Earl Rudder Jr's statement regarding the important work of is on our website as are our press releases reviewing the recent important events.

I'm aware the Rudder Association is only 3 years old. I'm also aware of your membership. All of those involved in the slander of Joe Ramirez before he was hired as Commandant are members of the Rudder Association. And the tactics of the Rudder Association in this matter were identical. You are not making A&M better.
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"You may all go to hell, and I will go to Aggieland!" -Davy Crockett
Charlie 31
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AG81 said:

TheBeagle90 said:

1) Don't believe everything you read in The New York Times. Which underscores the importance of teaching ethical journalism and investigative reporting rather than bias and narratives.The Rudder Association (TRA) neither effected McElroy's hire nor Bank's resignation.
2) There was no Rudder Association when Joe Ramirez was appointed Commandant in 2010 as it was founded just 3 years ago.
3) We think all Aggies should be proud of the great job Joe is doing in his current position.
4) We don't speak for General Rudder on current events nor do we believe should anyone other than his immediate family. James Earl Rudder Jr's statement regarding the important work of is on our website as are our press releases reviewing the recent important events.

I'm aware the Rudder Association is only 3 years old. I'm also aware of your membership. All of those involved in the slander of Joe Ramirez before he was hired as Commandant are members of the Rudder Association. And the tactics of the Rudder Association in this matter were identical. You are not making A&M better.

AG81, WTH!

You are the reason so many political moderates are finally getting off of the sideline, joining the conservatives, and telling you and other liberals to shut the hell up.

Most of us political moderates do not give a damn what liberals or conservatives think. But, once liberals started shoving racist indoctrination such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion down our throats, moderates said, "HELL NO!" When Black Lives Matters supporters burned down our American cities and defunded our American police departments, moderates said, "Hell NO!."

The reality is when you liberals do not get your way, you try to dox (by asking who is in the Rudder Association, for example) and cancel those you oppose and then call us racists. These arguments have NOTHING to do with race!!!

You liberals also shout down any commentary by anybody who does not toe your liberal-party line even though the idea of liberalism is literally to "freely" share views and ideas. Liberals shout down those who do not agree with them and fail to try to find common middle-ground that is good for Texas A&M, Texas, and the United States of America.

As a political moderate I have always been a fiscal conservative and social liberal. I have defended in the U.S. Army in combat your and others' rights to express their views and have supported allowing free speech and communication about public policy and politics. I respect what liberals think and feel, but they refuse to accept my viewpoints if I differ from them and then try to dox, cancel, and shout me down if I do not agree 100% with their liberal views.

Now, AG81, the likes of you and other liberals makes me want to see Donald Trump get reelected in 2024 just to watch your head explode.

Let me give you, Ag81, and other liberals a bit of advice. Don't poke the bear...

Moderates want to be left alone and we do not care about your racist, LGBTQ+ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, anti-police, anti-military, and anti-American agenda. We moderates LOVE the United States of America and want you liberals to leave us moderates alone.

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Charlie 31 said:


Thanks and gig'em
Charlie 31
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Aggie_Journalist said:

Charlie 31 said:


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Opalka said:

12Power said:

Banks was way better than that woke leftist before her who had zero Aggie values and did more damage than good to TAMU. This journalism hire bs is unclear to me. Although McElroy was a former student, she seemed to be a hire that I thought would continue down the DEI / woke path and demise of the university.
Inclusion and diversity USED to be an Aggie value. It's one of the hallmarks of a welcoming university. It's now an embarrassment and looks to be "anti-woke" purely because of far right wing ideology and misinformation. I used to be proud to be an Aggie, but now I won't even volunteer that information. Higher education? Backward education is more like it now.

Either you don't really understand what DEI is- or you are attempting to mislead. DEI is racism at its core.
Divining Rod
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Aggie_Journalist said:

I listened to that radio segment. The question was, do journalists need to add more context when reporting the news?

The meaning of her quote changes when you share what the question was. Her whole interview was about how journalists should take time to tell stories with context instead of just putting a mic in front of someone, letting them say whatever they want, and calling it a day.

you sound like a true modern "journalist" indeed! in no way shape or form did that "question" change the clear meaning and intent of that woman's words. Sometimes words mean something and you cant do a damn thing to change it.
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redjalapeno-87 said:

Gov. Abbott signs DEI bill into law, dismantling diversity offices at colleges:

McElroy said she was basing her Journalism department on the principles of DEI and CRT

Banks had to be fully aware of McElroy's history on DEI and CRT and the legislature's and governor's unmistakable positions against both. Nevertheless, Banks supported the offer. IMO, the hire would have been antithetical to TAMU's culture and American values, overtly contrary to Texas law, and the root cause of both a major and ugly controversy within a brief period of time.

Banks' abrupt ****canning of her career at TAMU suggests to me that she felt she could successfully force the issue with the BOR by threatening to play the "disgrace" card if rebuffed, which is exactly what she did in her public statement. I think at the end of her discussion of the topic with Sharp/the BOR, he gave her the option to resign immediately or be fired, in order to eliminate her fomenting discontent on campus. Of course, I could be completely wrong.

Moreover, if activist, liberal academics committed to DEI, CRT, and the anti-American rant de jour are so outraged that they don't want to come to TAMU, or be induced to leave TAMU, this episode will pay large dividends.

A final thought is that a journalist's "adding context" to his/her reportage is a euphemism for spinning a story to suit the reporter's opinion or agenda. On this point, I am confident of being completely correct..
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As someone who works for Texas A&M, I will say that many of us wanted her gone long before this mess with the Journalism department began. Banks was universally disliked on campus regardless of politics.
To 1,000,000 touchdowns ...and beyond
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I think we can all agree that this was a cluster, but it's a cluster that is meh to most people. Sharpdressedman's analysis/hypothesis seems to make sense to me and fits Occam's razor. I could be wrong, but I think this is the report stirred up the hornet's nest...

Aggies Hire NY Times 'Diversity' Advocate To Head Journalism Program

I think there's a lot more to this than we're seeing. Interesting that this article...

Texas A&M recruited a UT professor to revive its journalism program, then backtracked after "DEI hysteria"

...contains this paragraph...


Behind the scenes, A&M spent weeks altering the terms of her job. After hearing about the concerns, McElroy agreed to a five-year contract position without tenure, which would have avoided a review by regents. On Sunday, she received a third offer, this time with a one-year contract and emphasizing that the appointment was at will and that she could be terminated at any time. She has rejected the offer and shared all of the offer letters with the Tribune.

Sounds like someone was trying to do an end-run around the regents and ran into a safety.

No matter what your views on this, A&M is bigger than the controversy or people involved. In a year, no one will care.
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FFS… it has been declining since we stopped hiring former Aggies as presidents. Hire a distinguished, successful former Aggie who understands what the school is about. The rest will take care of itself.
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Opalka said:

12Power said:

Banks was way better than that woke leftist before her who had zero Aggie values and did more damage than good to TAMU. This journalism hire bs is unclear to me. Although McElroy was a former student, she seemed to be a hire that I thought would continue down the DEI / woke path and demise of the university.
Inclusion and diversity USED to be an Aggie value. It's one of the hallmarks of a welcoming university. It's now an embarrassment and looks to be "anti-woke" purely because of far right wing ideology and misinformation. I used to be proud to be an Aggie, but now I won't even volunteer that information. Higher education? Backward education is more like it now.

So, you're a zero-percenter? Noted.
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This is what happens when WOKE people get hired!
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Charlie 31 said:

AG81 said:

TheBeagle90 said:

1) Don't believe everything you read in The New York Times. Which underscores the importance of teaching ethical journalism and investigative reporting rather than bias and narratives.The Rudder Association (TRA) neither effected McElroy's hire nor Bank's resignation.
2) There was no Rudder Association when Joe Ramirez was appointed Commandant in 2010 as it was founded just 3 years ago.
3) We think all Aggies should be proud of the great job Joe is doing in his current position.
4) We don't speak for General Rudder on current events nor do we believe should anyone other than his immediate family. James Earl Rudder Jr's statement regarding the important work of is on our website as are our press releases reviewing the recent important events.

I'm aware the Rudder Association is only 3 years old. I'm also aware of your membership. All of those involved in the slander of Joe Ramirez before he was hired as Commandant are members of the Rudder Association. And the tactics of the Rudder Association in this matter were identical. You are not making A&M better.

AG81, WTH!

You are the reason so many political moderates are finally getting off of the sideline, joining the conservatives, and telling you and other liberals to shut the hell up.

Most of us political moderates do not give a damn what liberals or conservatives think. But, once liberals started shoving racist indoctrination such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion down our throats, moderates said, "HELL NO!" When Black Lives Matters supporters burned down our American cities and defunded our American police departments, moderates said, "Hell NO!."

The reality is when you liberals do not get your way, you try to dox (by asking who is in the Rudder Association, for example) and cancel those you oppose and then call us racists. These arguments have NOTHING to do with race!!!

You liberals also shout down any commentary by anybody who does not toe your liberal-party line even though the idea of liberalism is literally to "freely" share views and ideas. Liberals shout down those who do not agree with them and fail to try to find common middle-ground that is good for Texas A&M, Texas, and the United States of America.

As a political moderate I have always been a fiscal conservative and social liberal. I have defended in the U.S. Army in combat your and others' rights to express their views and have supported allowing free speech and communication about public policy and politics. I respect what liberals think and feel, but they refuse to accept my viewpoints if I differ from them and then try to dox, cancel, and shout me down if I do not agree 100% with their liberal views.

Now, AG81, the likes of you and other liberals makes me want to see Donald Trump get reelected in 2024 just to watch your head explode.

Let me give you, Ag81, and other liberals a bit of advice. Don't poke the bear...

Moderates want to be left alone and we do not care about your racist, LGBTQ+ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, anti-police, anti-military, and anti-American agenda. We moderates LOVE the United States of America and want you liberals to leave us moderates alone.

Oh Charlie, how little you know. First, I know for a fact that current Rudder Association members were a part of the assault on Gen. Ramirez in the Commandant search. You'll note that the good Doctor (yes, I know him) to whom I responded didn't challenge that assertion. I still have the emails from those idiots somewhere. Second, your presumption that I'm a liberal illustrates exactly my point. In fact, I voted for Trump twice. I won't a third time as he is as toxic in this Country as The Rudder Association is at A&M. Both think they're making things better when in reality they make things worse with their tactics. You are completely wrong in your presumption I'm a liberal, or even a moderate. Can you not entertain that and your cadre are wrong in your presumption that McElroy (whose cousin is Hugh McElroy - Aggie football legend, by the way) would use DEI as the foundational principle for the new Journalism Department? Sad that you can't see the parallel. Lastly, I believe so strongly in conservative principles that I welcome and encourage opposing views as I believe the power and logic of conservative values will win out. I particularly want that in the education of my children (all of whom have graduated from A&M in the last decade). That's the issue here. Too many Americans would rather suppress opposing viewpoints than have to think through the arguments to support their position. That's what the Rudder Association has and is doing. Sad that you can't see the parallel.
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Opalka - You are the embarrassment! You think you are entitled to what YOU want because you feel offended!? Well you are not entitled to anything you haven't earned. Don't let the door hit you on the way out and don't come back until you've earned it!
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I hear Geraldo Rivera is available ...
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I don't know jack about what happened with the McElroy potential hiring. But the Tribune had a pretty long summation of what Banks had done in her short tenure as President. It looked mostly like streamlining the administration and holding the staff accountable. That all sounded pretty good to me, but it's understandable that the staff would be unhappy with the moves.

Perhaps some of you that have been saying "good riddance" can fill in on what specifically she had done that was so awful for the university. I'm not trying to be flip with the question, just honestly want to know (with all of the vitriol and emotion) what the issues were with her.
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To be clear: that's what John Sharp focused on as comptroller and he was universally hated, too.
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AG81 said:

Can you not entertain that and your cadre are wrong in your presumption that McElroy (whose cousin is Hugh McElroy - Aggie football legend, by the way) would use DEI as the foundational principle for the new Journalism Department?
Nope. Cant entertain that.


"We can't just give people a set of facts anymore," she said. "I think we know that and we have to tell our students that. This is not about getting two sides of a story or three sides of a story, if one side is illegitimate. I think now you cannot cover education, you cannot cover criminal justice, you can't cover all of these institutions without realizing how all these institutions were built."

She said herself that impartiality is not important. It's one of the central tenets of journalism. And she doesn't want to tell our students that.

This would be like vomiting on yourself during a job interview. She should rightfully be disqualified for the position. Sure, she can yuck it up with the folks at NPR to get a good quote, she should be held to the same standard as anyone else. What you say matters.

Dr. McElroy is a highly qualified individual and I have no doubt she will find success wherever she goes and I wish her the best. She was not a good fit for A&M because we need less activist journalists, not more. That's what got us here in the first place.

Just the facts, ma'am. Nothing else matters.
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It sounds like President Banks, forged documents with the intent of influencing a state hiring process. That is criminal conduct, politics be damned. She is lucky that she was allowed to resign, rather than being prosecuted. Some believe that circumventing the rule of law is justified as long their ends are served. Similarly, Bobby Petrino could have been prosecuted by Arkansas for similar violations of influencing a State hiring process.
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Academia wants to work in a vacuum without any feedback or input from the outside. In that vacuum, over and over again, the worst politics and people rise to the top where extremists rise and productivity comes second. While I don't know specifically how either the Dean (now resigned) or President <now resigned> felt about DEI (which is poison to any institution), I do know that no employee at any state funded institution should be entirely unaccoutable to the Regents for their opinions and actions. Extremists hide behind "tenure" and use it as a beach head to strangle and smother the institutions practicing it. Accountability is a good thing. We need more of it in Academia not less.

Rest assured it it were an outspoken conservative leaning academic (regardless of how much they loved Aggieland) who was denied tenure, there would be NO Faculty Senate investigation or outrage. The offending academic would be ostracized and forgotten as a 'polarizing extremist" with none of the hoopla behind this drama. That is how it works.
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Dont be ridiculous.
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While your closing points are largely proven by the Leftist-liberals work to accumulate power in major institutions, Banks' sudden retirement suggests she crossed a line. It's hard to tell which line that was, but she likely lost Sharp's support suddenly after being Vice Chancellor and earning his trust as President.

I think we need to recognize conservatives are committed to being a nation of laws not men and regrettably some of the accusations are likely true. If she supported modifying a signed document, as a specific accusation that might be true, then what happened next ought not be surprising.

The Faculty Senate was already bent on institutional domination in the 80s but largely they have been ineffective. It's okay that they aren't always wrong. We can live with that.
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The thing is, what is valuable to you is going to have different meanings to someone else, including other Aggies. We have to respect each other. It took me just 15 seconds of "research" to realize the main issue is a lack of respect. In the cry for "fairness" or "impartiality" any free speech or criticism can seem like personal attacks if it doesn't align with your held beliefs. I am very grateful journalism exists to do the hard work of bringing events to light and counter corruption. In this complex world, I do not have the time, resource or expertise to do the work. It is a thankless, noble endeavor. Not everything resulting from journalism is significant but enough makes a difference this world would not be the same without it. I know we are all benefactors of the hard work.
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Pluto88 said:

The thing is, what is valuable to you is going to have different meanings to someone else, including other Aggies. We have to respect each other. It took me just 15 seconds of "research" to realize the main issue is a lack of respect. In the cry for "fairness" or "impartiality" any free speech or criticism can seem like personal attacks if it doesn't align with your held beliefs. I am very grateful journalism exists to do the hard work of bringing events to light and counter corruption. In this complex world, I do not have the time, resource or expertise to do the work. It is a thankless, noble endeavor. Not everything resulting from journalism is significant but enough makes a difference this world would not be the same without it. I know we are all benefactors of the hard work.

What Fantasy World are you living in? Journalism has nothing to do with fairness these days and slanted op-eds do nothing but continue to divide our country.
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Journalism is not perfect, but it is significant. It is a function that has undeniably helped shape the modern world. I don't think that has changed with mass media.
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SA-AG72 said:

Pluto88 said:

The thing is, what is valuable to you is going to have different meanings to someone else, including other Aggies. We have to respect each other. It took me just 15 seconds of "research" to realize the main issue is a lack of respect. In the cry for "fairness" or "impartiality" any free speech or criticism can seem like personal attacks if it doesn't align with your held beliefs. I am very grateful journalism exists to do the hard work of bringing events to light and counter corruption. In this complex world, I do not have the time, resource or expertise to do the work. It is a thankless, noble endeavor. Not everything resulting from journalism is significant but enough makes a difference this world would not be the same without it. I know we are all benefactors of the hard work.

What Fantasy World are you living in? Journalism has nothing to do with fairness these days and slanted op-eds do nothing but continue to divide our country.

Fair enough. I agree to disagree. I'm an old dinosaur and remember when journalism was fair and balanced.
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Pluto88 said:

Journalism is not perfect, but it is significant. It is a function that has undeniably helped shape the modern world. I don't think that has changed with mass media.
While what you say is true, I personally don't consider that a good thing (I can't tell if you are for or against with that particular statement but I agree it is significant). I have seen the "mass media" twist and shape and outright lie to push an agenda from things I personally witnessed and I don't like the unfairness and ideology it has bred.
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Opalka said:

12Power said:

Banks was way better than that woke leftist before her who had zero Aggie values and did more damage than good to TAMU. This journalism hire bs is unclear to me. Although McElroy was a former student, she seemed to be a hire that I thought would continue down the DEI / woke path and demise of the university.
Inclusion and diversity USED to be an Aggie value. It's one of the hallmarks of a welcoming university. It's now an embarrassment and looks to be "anti-woke" purely because of far right wing ideology and misinformation. I used to be proud to be an Aggie, but now I won't even volunteer that information. Higher education? Backward education is more like it now.
Says the poster with the AgTag
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Journalists used to matter and were a cornerstone of our society. They trended left but felt like the facts mattered more than the politics.

That notion is so dead that I pity those who don't recognize it. By and large most pretend to not see it while cheering it on. Pretending this hire was contested due to race, for instance, is ridiculous. She is a relative of a legendary, beloved Aggie player. If she wasn't actually championing for the erosion of our country, her own words mind you, she'd have been a slam dunk.
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