fulshearAg96 said:
they out recruit us, out coach us, out play us, out market us, and out politician us... you should be more frustrated with our administration instead of the ones that have figured it out...
I can speak as a former sip tshirt fan in HS, the marketing thing is the real problem. As a kid with no ties to either school, you choose the team to root for based on brand and marketing. 2 major choices for my home state of Texas is TAMU and UT. One team is orange and their jersey says "TEXAS" the other team is maroon and the jersey says "TEXAS A&M" So, at quick glance as a young boy age 6 or 7, one teams represents "TEXAS" the other represents "TEXAS A&M". Well, I know I'm from Texas so I want to choose the team that represents me as a Texan. Boom, decision made and i was locked into being a tshirt sip fan until the year after I graduated HS. I was such a big fan of college football and what it did differently to the NFL (traditions, bands, atmosphere, passion) that I found myself researching the unique traditions of different universities. I found myself slowly realizing that TAMU had some incredible traditions. I then noticed that EVERYTHING that made CFB better IMO than the NFL, TAMU did BETTER than tu. I slowly found myself rooting for A&M and slowly started to despise the fact that tu was winning more and getting more publicity than the clearly better culture of CFB found at TAMU. The only way to ever win the majority of the Texans with no ties is to either rebrand the football team with just "TEXAS AGGIES" so young fans feel represented and not confused (that won't ever happen A&M is here to stay. The only other option to getting the new generations into the TAMU camp is to WIN WIN WIN. It's the same concept as Bama and Auburn. People in Alabama (unless they have ties to Auburn) are most likely going to choose to support BAMA with minor exception. Our current brand won't beat the horns when it comes to the masses unless TAMU starts piling up the trophies. I still want TAMU success and I want national exposure so the nation can see how amazing the 12th man is, how loud Kyle Field can get and how incredible the FTAB is along with the other traditions. The most passionate and impressive CFB culture in the U.S is found in Texas and the world should know it's TAMU not tu. The most frustrating part is that aggies DESERVE football success. Aggies are loyal and do their part every single game in Kyle Field only to get let down. Rant over.