5 frame nucs with Italian queen, brood, stores etc... $225
same but with plastic box $250. (some people already have their own boxes...)
email me at darrin at avalonweddingsbcs dot com or leave a message here..
$25 deposit required.
Every tree that blooms is a source of food for bees.. Our honey comes from mesquite and yaupon and not actually wildflowers..MouthBQ98 said:
I have about 7 acres I have considered putting hives on before, but I am not sure what density. 2 or so are post oak prairie, wooded, with native undergrowth. The other 5 is unimproved pasture I let grow out each year, then shred under once when it is mostly dried up in July/August or so. We're surrounded by more post oak wooded properties and improved and unimproved pasture. Some mesquite, some lantana.
ive had a hive knocked over by pigs before.. I put them in the fenced corner of a field and didnt notice that there was a game trail under the fence wire... pigs just walked by and rammed into a hive... ignored it completely.. I got a txt from the owner and went back out the next day and put it back together... sealed up the hole under the fence with some cinder blocks... no other problems since..Mas89 said:
Interested in bees but I'm curious if wild hogs would bother those boxes. We have plenty of hogs and they seem to go after any food source. I'm envisioning all the boxes knocked over and destroyed.
Are there any other wild animals that bother bee boxes in SE Tx?
studioone said:Every tree that blooms is a source of food for bees.. Our honey comes from mesquite and yaupon and not actually wildflowers..MouthBQ98 said:
I have about 7 acres I have considered putting hives on before, but I am not sure what density. 2 or so are post oak prairie, wooded, with native undergrowth. The other 5 is unimproved pasture I let grow out each year, then shred under once when it is mostly dried up in July/August or so. We're surrounded by more post oak wooded properties and improved and unimproved pasture. Some mesquite, some lantana.
you probably wouldnt be able to mow no closer than 50-75 feet of the hives, if that means anything... unless your mower has an enclosed cab..
dont see one from you... computers hate me, though...UmustBKidding said:
Sent email a few days ago have not heard back. Email in my profile.