As a birthday present, someone brought the Paranormal thread on Aggies Only back from the dead.
aka coastersjeffk said:
What's a cd?
Smith&Co1970 said:
Thinking about a name change.
Pro Sandy said:
Im keeping my name. And I'm not a girl.
Pro Sandy said:
It's snowing
Smith&Co1970 said:
Wow congrats.Smith&Co1970 said:
What's y'alls thoughts on wedding hashtags?!
I personally think they're pretty meaningless, but the future Mrs. Smith&Co is having a hard time creating one that is worth a damn.
Any suggestions?
Info to work with: Smith-Lopez and March 11.
jeffk said:
Congrats, Smitty!
Married life is fantastic. Just make sure she knows about most of your habits and time-wastes before you say "I do."