OLED was one of my long-term planted stocks. Purchased in the $50's originally and I sold 100% out at $190 when the 2nd peak above $200 failed quickly back signaling exhaustion. You may recall a naked option trade that worked out well. Well now it has completely filled the long term gap up as indicated by the big arrows.
You can see it filled the gap and had a bounce but has now come back down to that previous support level.
This is an excellent inflection point for getting either a multi-option strategy in place (Strangles/Iron Condor) or taking a straight stock buy with either a stop loss or I prefer to buy a Put option $5 below the entry price cheaper (out 2-3 weeks) and use it for any flash down protection while seeing if longterm trend reversal turns back green. On the positive side we have the obvious gap fill support. On the negative side you see the last large volume spike was right near the top of the 1st gap fill bounce. So this is not as clear as I would like but I am entering several strategies including repurchasing shares with Puts.

This 2nd chart shows that current price is more in line with a longer term trend. OLED clearly got way out ahead of itself but is now close to what a normalized trend upward would have placed it.