The 'this isn't going to end well' crowd is becoming increasingly unbearable. The people who think (or know) they're smarter than everyone else.... (not a personal shot at you Daniel... just a recent general observation mostly in the fintwit world)
You can create your own alpha by trading beta. So sound active traders are probably up many multiples since 2016. They're also likely protecting their capital unless they're complete idiots. So is it really a loss if they have a 20% drawdown after going up 10x or more in the last couple of years? They're playing the market in front of them and will be agile when things change.
Look at how a lot of popular traders followed on here have adjusted. OA, Dan, Redler... all were playing FAANG large cap 'beta' 2018-19 and have all quickly adjusted to small/mid caps, SPACs, EVs...
I highly recommend everyone read John Carter's book to understand his strategies. This board really gambles too much on naked options (calls usually) and penny stocks. That is usually retail's biggest mistake. I used to make those mistakes all the time a few years ago. When I stopped it for the most part, my returns have come easier, steadier and with a way better night's sleep.
It's better to ensure downside protection by going the call (or put) spread route (debit or credit). And if you can't watch it non stop, buy shares with a stop loss set and sell covered calls if it jumps. Treat the market like a casino, and the market will treat you like a casino customer except you don't get the complementary drinks

I learned a good lesson this past week. I played the AAPL 2/19 calls with you guys and will be almost certainly riding those down to zero on a rather large position for naked options for me. At TRIT $8.70 I will have completely countered that AAPL full loss trade in less than a week playing a way safer approach of buying some shares at support and selling some puts a week out OTM. I keep learning over and over again what suits me. Hopefully I'll learn for good at some point

As always, mind the sig below....
If this post is on the B&I forum, lighten up it's just money!
Disclaimer: I'm not that smart.